Various modular-designed electronics boards created for home learning projects.
These MOdule Boards (MOBs) are useful for:
- doing experiences
- testing specific components functions
- prototyping complex projects by modular approach
- expanding and interfacing components functions
- having fun building simple circuits
- ExpressPCB custom components library containing the ExpressPCB files of schematic and pcb components used for drawing the MOBs layout
- mob-psu-distribution : 8-lines power bus expansion module board
- mob-io-array-switch-and-led-4x : 4-switch input array and 4-led output array module board
- mob-io-array-led-8x : 8-led output array module board
- mob-io-array-switch-8x : 8-switch input array module board
- mob-io-matrix-switch-4x4 : 4x4 input switch matrix module board
- mob-io-matrix-led-4x4 : 4x4 led matrix module board
- mob-fn-cbank-26.4mF : 26400uF Capacitor bank
- mob-if-midi : midi in/out/thru module board
- mob-voltage-divider-pot-2x : voltage-divider potentiometers module board
- mob-psu-5v : psu 5V module board
- mob-if-rs232 : rs232 interface board
- mob-mcu-pic16f6x8 : Microchip PIC 16F6x8 microcontroller module board
- mob-audio-psu-9v-5v : psu 9V (VCC) and 5V (VR) module board
- mob-audio-jack : audio TRS jack 1/4" adapter module board
- mob-audio-io-stage : audio input and output stages module board
Schematics and PCB layouts are designed with ExpressPCB free CAD software.
- mob (module board)
- mob-psu (power supply unit)
- mob-io (input/output unit)
- mob-if (interface unit)
- mob-fn (function controller unit)
- mob-mcu (micro controller unit)
- PCB layout are designed on paperboard sizes: 2x8cm, 5x7cm, 7x10cm
- Each MOB is designed with the power connector (PWR) with the positive pin on left, a bulk capacitor (C) and a power-on led indicator (DL) (yes, I have surplus of components!)
- Activity leds are:
- 3mm green led for power status indicator
- 3/5mm green led for normal activity indicator
- 3/5mm yellow led for warning status indicator
- 3/5mm red led for error, fault or wrong status indicator
- 3/5mm blue led for request of manual intervent
- Led current limiter resistors: R=1Kohm
- Digital line pull-up resistors: R=10Kohm
- IC decoupling capacitors: C=100nF
- Board bulk capacitors: C=10uF
- ExpressPCB components used for MOBs are customized and named as "MOB_name_size"
- Paperboard layout templates are also saved as ExpressPCB custom components and named as "MOB__Paperboardsize"
- ExpressPCB custom components size units, unless otherwise specified, are 1/10 of inches
- PCB layout traces are 0.05", pads are 0,065"
See file CHANGES for the project resources change log
- Add more MOBs!
Author : Alessandro Fraschetti (mail: [email protected])
This eXPerience is licensed under the MIT license