4-switch input array and 4-led output array module board.
This input/output MOB is composed of two submodules, one consisting of 4 x "active-low" input switches (for each switch current is limited to about 0.5mA on 5V PSU),
the other consisting of 4 x "active-high" output LEDs (for each LED the current is limited to about 3-4mA on 5V PSU).
This MOB can operate at both 3V3 and 5V.
paperboard 5x7cm
2-pin (Molex-KK) power connector
bulk capacitor (tantalum) 10uF 16V
led current limiter resistor 1Kohm
power activity led green 3mm
2 x 4-pin (Molex-KK) data connectors
4 x data activity led current limiter resistors 1Kohm
4 x data activity led green 3mm
4 x pull-up resistor 10Kohm
4 x data switch SPST (NO)