Audio input and output stages module board. This MOB operates at 9V or more for VCC (rail voltage of op-amps) and VCC/2 for internal VR (reference voltage for virtual ground). The input is a buffer stage, the output stage has a selectable gain (jumper JSW2) between 1:1 or 2:1.
paperboard 5x7cm
2-pin (Molex-KK) VCC-GND power connector
2-pin (Molex-KK) external VS-GND power connector
4 x 2-pin (Molex-KK) input/output audio connector
2 x bulk capacitor (tantalum) 10uF
2 x led current limiter resistor 2K2Kohm and 1Kohm
2 x power activity led green 3mm
3-pin voltage VS internal/external selector header
3-pin output gain selector header
9 x resistors: 1 x 1Mohm, 2 x 470Kohm, 1 x 100Kohm, 4 x 47Kohm, 1 x 100ohm
1 x decoupling capacitor C=100nF
1 x bulk capacitor 47uF
5 x filter capacitor 1 x 10uF, 3 x 1uF, 1 x 4n7F
IC Dual OpAmp NE5532 with socket DIP4+4