MODIFIED ADAPTER SETTINGS - see Reuse of adapter configuration
- fixed error in weekdayStringToBitmask() - thanks to @SurfGargano for testing.
- idle periods v1 or v2 can now switched off in the adapter config - recommendation is to use only one of them.
- fixed errors reported by the ioBroker Check and Service Bot:
- [E186]: "common.globalDependencies" must be an array at io-package.json
- [E190]: admin dependency missing. Please add to dependencies at io-package.json.
- New RscpTags.json: added new tags from 01-2024 tag list.
But keep ...EMERGENCY_POWER_TEST... naming despite it changed to ...EMERGENCYPOWER_TEST... in the new tag-list (this affects four tags). - Fixed Issue #236 - added handling for version 2 PERIODs.
- New instance settings for max. number of BAT/PVI/PM/PERIOD - so everybody who has e.g. 6 batteries or 3 power inverters can now adjust the detection range for his own setup. This fixes Issue #249
- Fixed Issue #241 - modified PM index detection so that discountinuous index sets are handled correctly, like ( 0, 1, 3, 6 ).
- Fixed E524, E525, S526 dev dependencies.
- Enhanced max. index handling to produce less debug log messages. (Introduced notIndexIds for non-index counts.)
- fixed errors reported by the ioBroker Check and Service Bot:
- [E186] "common.globalDependencies" must be an array at io-package.json
- [E190] admin dependency missing. Please add to dependencies at io-package.json.
- [W050] Package 'axios' listed as devDependency at package.json might be obsolete if using '@iobroker/adapter-dev'.