Releases: git-kick/ioBroker.e3dc-rscp
Support for version 2 idle periods.
MODIFIED ADAPTER SETTINGS - see Reuse of adapter configuration
- fixed error in weekdayStringToBitmask() - thanks to @SurfGargano for testing.
- idle periods v1 or v2 can now switched off in the adapter config - recommendation is to use only one of them.
- fixed errors reported by the ioBroker Check and Service Bot:
- [E186]: "common.globalDependencies" must be an array at io-package.json
- [E190]: admin dependency missing. Please add to dependencies at io-package.json.
- New RscpTags.json: added new tags from 01-2024 tag list.
But keep ...EMERGENCY_POWER_TEST... naming despite it changed to ...EMERGENCYPOWER_TEST... in the new tag-list (this affects four tags). - Fixed Issue #236 - added handling for version 2 PERIODs.
- New instance settings for max. number of BAT/PVI/PM/PERIOD - so everybody who has e.g. 6 batteries or 3 power inverters can now adjust the detection range for his own setup. This fixes Issue #249
- Fixed Issue #241 - modified PM index detection so that discountinuous index sets are handled correctly, like ( 0, 1, 3, 6 ).
- Fixed E524, E525, S526 dev dependencies.
- Enhanced max. index handling to produce less debug log messages. (Introduced notIndexIds for non-index counts.)
- fixed errors reported by the ioBroker Check and Service Bot:
- [E186] "common.globalDependencies" must be an array at io-package.json
- [E190] admin dependency missing. Please add to dependencies at io-package.json.
- [W050] Package 'axios' listed as devDependency at package.json might be obsolete if using '@iobroker/adapter-dev'.
Support for version 2 idle periods.
MODIFIED ADAPTER SETTINGS - see Reuse of adapter configuration
- New RscpTags.json: added new tags from 01-2024 tag list.
But keep ...EMERGENCY_POWER_TEST... naming despite it changed to ...EMERGENCYPOWER_TEST... in the new tag-list (this affects four tags). - Fixed Issue #236 - added handling for version 2 PERIODs.
- New instance settings for max. number of BAT/PVI/PM/PERIOD - so everybody who has e.g. 6 batteries or 3 power inverters can now adjust the detection range for his own setup. This fixes Issue #249
- Fixed Issue #241 - modified PM index detection so that discountinuous index sets are handled correctly, like ( 0, 1, 3, 6 ).
- Fixed E524, E525, S526 dev dependencies.
- Enhanced max. index handling to produce less debug log messages. (Introduced notIndexIds for non-index counts.)
Added PM (power meter) namespace
MODIFIED ADAPTER SETTINGS - see Reuse of adapter configuration
- Fixed Issue #217 - added PM (power meter) namespace. Only reading values, no SET tags.
- Fixed two newly reported "undefined" occurences in main.js.
- Fixed errors listed in Issue #217 - reported by the ioBroker Check and Service Bot.
- [E162]: js-controller dependency updated to >= 5.0.19
- [E204]: "remove news version 1.3.0" considered a false finding; in v1.2.6, io-package.json does not contain "1.3.0"
- [E605]: updated copyright to 2024 in
- [E605]: removed .npmignore from project directory
- [W040]: added keyword "ioBroker" in package.json
- [W130]: deleted all but some recent in io-package.json
- [W184]: removed "common.materialize" from io-package.json
- [S522]: migrated to admin5 UI (jsonConfig.json5)
Added PM namespace (read-only)
MODIFIED ADAPTER SETTINGS - see Reuse of adapter configuration
- Fixed Issue #217 - added PM (power meter) namespace. Only reading values, no SET tags.
- Fixed two newly reported "undefined" occurences in main.js.
- Fixed errors listed in Issue #217 - reported by the ioBroker Check and Service Bot.
- [E162]: js-controller dependency updated to >= 5.0.19
- [E204]: "remove news version 1.3.0" considered a false finding; in v1.2.6, io-package.json does not contain "1.3.0"
- [E605]: updated copyright to 2024 in
- [E605]: removed .npmignore from project directory
- [W040]: added keyword "ioBroker" in package.json
- [W130]: deleted all but some recent in io-package.json
- [W184]: removed "common.materialize" from io-package.json
- [S522]: migrated to admin5 UI (jsonConfig.json5)
v1.2.6 - No more warnings about unknown tags like 0x100003e
- Fixed Issue #211 - added tag 0x0100003E to RscpTags.json and to ignoreIds, now adapter does not warn about it anymore.
- In consequence of Issue #211, degraded "unknown tag" from warning to debug level. Message does not make sense to most of end users.
v1.2.5 Added some EP setter tags
Added setter function for PARAM_EP_RESERVE and PARAM_EP_RESERVE_ENERGY in EP namespace - Issue #199
- Renamed PARAM_EP_RESERVE_W to PARAM_EP_RESERVE_ENERGY because it is a [Wh] energy variable.
- Renamed PARAM_EP_RESERVE_MAX_W to PARAM_EP_RESERVE_MAX_ENERGY for the same reason.
Removed "dangerous" setter tags introduced with v1.2.4 , instead of just switching them off - Issue #196
Added some EMS setter tags
MODIFIED ADAPTER SETTINGS - do not re-use settings stored in *.json
(ka-vaNu / git-kick)
Added EMS.REQ_SET_EMERGENCY_POWER (=>EMERGENCY_POWER), EMS.REQ_START_EMERGENCY_POWER_TEST (=>START_EMERGENCY_POWER_TEST) and EMS.REQ_SET_OVERRIDE_AVAILABLE_POWER (=>OVERRIDE_AVAILABLE_POWER). EMERGENCY_POWER tags are experimental. Testing against the real E3/DC is difficult unless you have an UPS for all relevant devices. - Issue #57
Added EMS.REQ_EMERGENCY_POWER_RETRY (=>EMERGENCY_POWER_RETRY) and EMS.REQ_EMERGENCY_POWER_OVERLOAD_STATUS (=>PARAM_NO_REMAINING_ENTRY,PARAM_TIME_TO_RETRY). Note that both have polling interval "N" by default. (Reason is that they are not in the official tag list and use is unclear.)
Check for IP address and port - Issue #194
Added setter EMS.MANUAL_CHARGE_ENERGY - Issue #184
Fixed onReady() async calls causing (very rare) unhandled exceptions - Issue #178
Handle ENOENT exception if admin/words.js is unavailable - Issue #180
Added config switch lazy_setstate - Issue #174. The adapter is now capable of updating State.ts according to convention (also when the value was unchanged). Note that the default ist "false" (i.e. no setState() call as long as value remains unchanged) in order to avoid a breaking chage for users with small hardware.
New chapter in describing how to add a standard setter tag to the adapter.
v1.2.3 Stop polling 'non-responsive' tags
- Added testing with Node 18 and Node 20 - Issue #165
- Upgraded to new translations, adding "uk" language - Issue #166
- Stop polling "unavailable" tags - Issue #169
- Fixed vulnerable dependency: protobufjs < 7.2.4 - CVE-2023-36665
- Fixed vulnerable dependency: word-wrap < 1.2.4 - CVE-2023-26115
- Adapter uses Sentry now.
v1.2.2 - Resilient probing for BAT and PVI instances
- Fixed TAG_PVI_REQ_FREQUENCY_UNDER_OVER warning with polling interval 'N' - Issue #157
- Log "warn - received message with invalid ..." reclassified to 'debug' - Issue #159
- Revised BAT and PVI probing; now resilient with lost responses - Issue #160
- Integrated Sentry plugin for crash reporting - see documentation
v1.2.1 Added INFO namespace (REQ only)
MODIFIED ADAPTER SETTINGS - do not re-use settings stored in *.json
- Added INFO namespace REQ tags (no SET tags yet) - Issue #149
- Fixed representation of EMS.EPTEST_NEXT_TESTSTART in object tree.
- Fixed out of range exceptions upon TCP/IP noise (i.e., if a frame has inconsistent length, then stop processing it.)
- Added two sections: "Reuse of adapter configuration", "Issues and feature requests"