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05. Analysis Guide
This code serves as a basic analysis pipeline for extracting fluorescence time series traces from the .mov files generated from the FreedomScopes. While this is a basic workflow, the exported .mov files can be used with any analysis software.
Log each .mov file from each recording session in a dedicated directory for each session. i.e. store each animal in a separate directory ( I typically have a subfolder for each day of imaging.)
When you are done for the day/session, open the directory you made in the last step in MATLAB, and run:
>> FS_AV_Parse.
This will parse the .mov files into matlab-readable .m files, and will created a cell array for video data, and a corresponding cell array with synchronized analog data. The use of this synchronization cell array will vary from one user's application to another- I myself use it for aligning to zebrafinch song (as an audio channel) others will use this as a sync to sone behavioral paradigm, i.e. a TTL input. While the format contains:
% Audio structure:
% Video structure
However, in order to be as general as possible, many helper scripts use height * width * color * frame
format. There is a legacy format, that uses video.frame(n).cdata.
- In the .mat folder, you can then then run:
>> FS_DFF_STD_Image
... And you will get a directory of images, based on the Max, Average, and Standard deviation projections of each video in the directory that the command is run.
>> FS_BatchDff
...will make a downsampled, background subtracted video as well as a maximum projection image for each file in your .mat directory. In addition, it will make a Average-maximum projection image called Dff_composite, of all the recordings from the session combined.
At this point, The calcium imaging videos exist in the cell video.frames.cdata contained inside each .m file in the mat folder. It is stored as a 4D matrix (H,W,C,T) and can be plugged into any analysis pipeline- although it may need to be formatted differently depending on your application. A simple 'get off the ground quick' manual ROI selection paradigm follows:
3b. Extract ROIs manually: load the Dff_composite image into MATLAB:
>> IMAGE = imread('Dff_composite');
...Or, if you want to just take an ROI mask from one particular image:
>> IMAGE = imread('CaptureSession'); % or whatever you name you file...
Then, create your ROI mask:
>> FS_image_roi(IMAGE);
This will open up a GUI to select ROIs from the image you picked. just point over an ROI, click on one you want, drag the mouse out so you get the right size, then unclick your mouse. Then DOUBLE CLICK on the ring you made. it should turn yellow. then you can drag/move the ring over to make another selection. You can add/move as many ROIs as you want. when you are done, just exit out of the GUI. It will save all your ROIS, and number them...and will create a .tif of your selected ROI map called roi_map_image.tiff, which resides in mat--> image_roi
Then, go into the new 'roi_image' directory and load roi_data_image.mat file into MATLAB
>> load('roi_data_image.mat')
To extract ROIS from your movies, go back into the .mat directory, and run:
>> roi_ave= FS_plot_ROI(ROI);
This will extract ROIs, using the mask 'ROI', for every .mat file in the folder.
roi_ave will be saved in the directory 'rois' and it will have all of your ROI time series data in it, as well as calculated dF/F traces, and interpolated traces. you can thumb through the .mat file to check out the data structure. to plot it right away:
figure(); plot(roi_ave.interp_time{1},(roi_ave.interp_dff{1,1})); % interpolated df/f
>> figure(); plot(roi_ave.raw_time{1},(roi_ave.raw_dat{1,1})); % raw data
figure(); plot(roi_ave.analogIO_time{1},roi_ave.analogIO_dat{1}); % Analog sync'd channel
This documents the Songbird-specific components of the pipeline. Much of this code was shamelessly stolen or borrowed from Jeff Markowitz
After data has been parsed from the .mov files into matlab-readable .m files, enter the mat directory and run:
>> FS_TemplateMatch
...If this is the first time you have run this command, you will be asked to pick a .mat file that contains a song, to pick a template.
Pick the file you want. You will be able to navigate the audio of this file, and pick a song that you want to cluster data to:
Data will be extracted from all files in the directory, producing song-aligned chunks. By default, the code will cut a 250ms pad at the beginning, and a 750ms pad at the end of song.
Now, you can navigate to:
extraction-> mov
...and run all the above-mentioned analysis and make/plot Plot ROIs, background subtracted videos, and MAX/STD/AVG projections.
Also, there is a field for motif number extracted- in the .mat files in the.mov directory. You can parse these into separate directories ( first, middle, last, and only) by running:
Of course, the actual motif number is still stored in the metadata for the mat file. ( in case you care about further segmentation, like middle, second motifs)
Its often nice to average videos together to get a sense of consistent structure- to smooth and average video together, you can pass:
MOV = FS_MakeAvgMov;
..This will make a single 3D time-series for all the song aligned data in your directory. With this, you can make things like pixel mass images:
FS_plot_allpix(MOV(:,:,1:end)); % from first to last frame
which will make an image that looks like this: