title | author | date | output |
Francisco Cano Marchal |
23 de noviembre de 2014 |
html_document |
run_analysis.R script does the following :
- reads and unzips the following data file, creating a folder with it's content in R's working directory:
and reads Training Set X_train.txt and Test Set X_test.txt datasets
assigns the corresponding variable names, read from features.txt
assigns corresponding activity labels, using the info from y_train.txt, y_test.txt and activity_labels.txt
assings corresponding subject to each row, using the info from subject_test.txt and subject_train.txt
merges both Training and Test datasets into unique dataframe
extracts mean and standar deviation values of each variable
extracts MEAN VALUES OF EACH VARIABLE FOR EACH SUBJECT AND ACTIVITY, and creates a file name meansbyactivitysubject.txt containing a table with this information.