- Argentina
- https://damian-m-g.github.io/
xlsx_drone Public
Fast Microsoft Excel's *.xlsx reader.
xlsx_drone_rb Public
Fast Microsoft Excel's XLSX reader. Binding of C's xlsx_drone lib.
illustrator-scripting-guide Public
Forked from docsforadobe/illustrator-scripting-guideMakefile UpdatedFeb 9, 2022 -
pomodoro_tracker Public
Pomodoro technique implementer.
cocot Public
Skeleton builder of a new proyect wich will be developed with BDD.
awesome-c Public
Forked from oz123/awesome-cA curated list of awesome C frameworks, libraries, resources and other shiny things. Inspired by all the other awesome-... projects out there.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedFeb 16, 2021 -
catalog Public
Forked from rubytoolbox/catalogThe Ruby Toolbox library catalog
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 13, 2021 -
yuml Public
Forked from DerekStride/yumlA Ruby DSL for generating UML built on http://yuml.me
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2019 -
Ruby FFI
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 9, 2019 -
weightless_player Public
Online music player. [Unmaintained]
esp8266_high_lvl_lib Public
A high level library to deal with the module ESP8266 ESP-01, to be integrated into an Arduino project.
autoit-ffi Public
Forked from kl/autoit-ffiRuby FFI bindings for AutoIt
Ruby Other UpdatedDec 18, 2015