This is a very early, unfishied version.
This project aims to be a complete Ruby wrapper of the excellent AutotIt library ( autoit-ffi uses the AutoItX3 dll library, and not the COM interface. This means that there is no need to install AutoIt prior to using autoit-ffi, in fact installation is as easy as gem install autoit-ffi
gem install autoit-ffi
require 'autoit-ffi'
ai = AutoItFFI::AutoIt
ai.admin? # => true/false
ai.move_mouse(500, 500, 5) # x, y, speed
ai.cd_tray("D:", :open) # magic!
ai.tool_tip("Tool tip!", 200, 200) # text, x, y
ai.send("this text will be sent by simulated key strokes")
For a list of the currently implemented functions, see