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Fix behavior when inserting content between two adjacent tab stops.
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Andrew Dupont committed Feb 9, 2021
1 parent 36054ba commit 072362a
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Showing 5 changed files with 249 additions and 42 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/insertion.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,9 +45,10 @@ function transformText (str, flags) {

class Insertion {
constructor ({ range, substitution }) {
constructor ({ range, substitution, references }) {
this.range = range
this.substitution = substitution
this.references = references
if (substitution) {
if (substitution.replace === undefined) {
substitution.replace = ''
Expand Down
211 changes: 173 additions & 38 deletions lib/snippet-expansion.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,29 @@ module.exports = class SnippetExpansion {
this.cursor = cursor
this.snippets = snippets
this.subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable
this.tabStopMarkers = []
this.selections = [this.cursor.selection]

// Holds the `Insertion` instance corresponding to each tab stop marker. We
// don't use the tab stop's own numbering here; we renumber them
// consecutively starting at 0 in the order in which they should be
// visited. So `$1` (if present) will always be at index `0`, and `$0` (if
// present) will always be the last index.
this.insertionsByIndex = []

// Each insertion has a corresponding marker. We keep them in a map so we
// can easily reassociate an insertion with its new marker when we destroy
// its old one.
this.markersForInsertions = new Map()

// The index of the active tab stop.
this.tabStopIndex = null

// If, say, tab stop 4's placeholder references tab stop 2, then tab stop
// 4's insertion goes into this map as a "related" insertion to tab stop 2.
// We need to keep track of this because tab stop 4's marker will need to
// be replaced while 2 is the active index.
this.relatedInsertionsByIndex = new Map()

const startPosition = this.cursor.selection.getBufferRange().start
let {body, tabStopList} = this.snippet
let tabStops = tabStopList.toArray()
Expand All @@ -28,8 +48,11 @@ module.exports = class SnippetExpansion {
this.editor.transact(() => {
this.ignoringBufferChanges(() => {
this.editor.transact(() => {
// Insert the snippet body at the cursor.
const newRange = this.cursor.selection.insertText(body, {autoIndent: false})
if (this.snippet.tabStopList.length > 0) {
// Listen for cursor changes so we can decide whether to keep the
// snippet active or terminate it.
this.subscriptions.add(this.cursor.onDidChangePosition(event => this.cursorMoved(event)))
this.subscriptions.add(this.cursor.onDidDestroy(() => this.cursorDestroyed()))
this.placeTabStopMarkers(startPosition, tabStops)
Expand All @@ -49,9 +72,12 @@ module.exports = class SnippetExpansion {

cursorMoved ({oldBufferPosition, newBufferPosition, textChanged}) {
if (this.settingTabStop || textChanged) { return }
const itemWithCursor = this.tabStopMarkers[this.tabStopIndex].find(item => item.marker.getBufferRange().containsPoint(newBufferPosition))
const insertionAtCursor = this.insertionsByIndex[this.tabStopIndex].find(insertion => {
let marker = this.markersForInsertions.get(insertion)
return marker.getBufferRange().containsPoint(newBufferPosition)

if (itemWithCursor && !itemWithCursor.insertion.isTransformation()) { return }
if (insertionAtCursor && !insertionAtCursor.isTransformation()) { return }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,30 +106,35 @@ module.exports = class SnippetExpansion {

applyAllTransformations () {
this.editor.transact(() => {
this.tabStopMarkers.forEach((item, index) =>
this.applyTransformations(index, true))
this.insertionsByIndex.forEach((insertion, index) =>

applyTransformations (tabStop, initial = false) {
const items = [...this.tabStopMarkers[tabStop]]
if (items.length === 0) { return }
applyTransformations (tabStopIndex) {
const insertions = [...this.insertionsByIndex[tabStopIndex]]
if (insertions.length === 0) { return }

const primary = items.shift()
const primaryRange = primary.marker.getBufferRange()
const primaryInsertion = insertions.shift()
const primaryRange = this.markersForInsertions.get(primaryInsertion).getBufferRange()
const inputText = this.editor.getTextInBufferRange(primaryRange)

this.ignoringBufferChanges(() => {
for (const item of items) {
const {marker, insertion} = item
var range = marker.getBufferRange()

for (const [index, insertion] of insertions.entries()) {
// Don't transform mirrored tab stops. They have their own cursors, so
// mirroring happens automatically.
if (!insertion.isTransformation()) { continue }

var marker = this.markersForInsertions.get(insertion)
var range = marker.getBufferRange()

var outputText = insertion.transform(inputText)
this.editor.transact(() => this.editor.setTextInBufferRange(range, outputText))

// Manually adjust the marker's range rather than rely on its internal
// heuristics. (We don't have to worry about whether it's been
// invalidated because setting its buffer range implicitly marks it as
// valid again.)
const newRange = new Range(
range.start.traverse(new Point(0, outputText.length))
Expand All @@ -114,36 +145,115 @@ module.exports = class SnippetExpansion {

placeTabStopMarkers (startPosition, tabStops) {
for (const tabStop of tabStops) {
// Tab stops within a snippet refer to one another by their external index
// (1 for $1, 3 for $3, etc.). We respect the order of these tab stops, but
// we renumber them starting at 0 and using consecutive numbers.
// Luckily, we don't need to convert between the two numbering systems very
// often. But we do have to build a map from external index to our internal
// index. We do this in a separate loop so that the table is complete
// before we need to consult it in the following loop.
const indexTable = {}
for (let [index, tabStop] of tabStops.entries()) {
indexTable[tabStop.index] = index

for (let [index, tabStop] of tabStops.entries()) {
const {insertions} = tabStop
const markers = []

if (!tabStop.isValid()) { continue }

for (const insertion of insertions) {
const {range} = insertion
const {start, end} = range
let references = null
if (insertion.references) {
references = => indexTable[external])
// Since this method is called only once at the beginning of a snippet expansion, we know that 0 is about to be the active tab stop.
const shouldBeInclusive = (index === 0) || (references && references.includes(0))
const marker = this.getMarkerLayer(this.editor).markBufferRange([
index: markers.length,
], { exclusive: !shouldBeInclusive })
// Now that we've created these markers, we need to store them in a
// data structure because they'll need to be deleted and re-created
// when their exclusivity changes.
this.markersForInsertions.set(insertion, marker)

if (references) {
const relatedInsertions = this.relatedInsertionsByIndex.get(index) || []
this.relatedInsertionsByIndex.set(index, relatedInsertions)

this.insertionsByIndex[index] = insertions


// When two insertion markers are directly adjacent to one another, and the
// cursor is placed right at the border between them, the marker that should
// "claim" the newly typed content will vary based on context.
// All else being equal, that content should get added to the marker (if any)
// whose tab stop is active, or else the marker whose tab stop's placeholder
// references an active tab stop. The `exclusive` setting on a marker
// controls whether that marker grows to include content added at its edge.
// So we need to revisit the markers whenever the active tab stop changes,
// figure out which ones need to be touched, and replace them with markers
// that have the settings we need.
adjustTabStopMarkers (oldIndex, newIndex) {
// Take all the insertions whose markers were made inclusive when they
// became active and restore their original marker settings.
const insertionsForOldIndex = [
...(this.relatedInsertionsByIndex.get(oldIndex) || [])

for (let insertion of insertionsForOldIndex) {
this.replaceMarkerForInsertion(insertion, {exclusive: true})

// Take all the insertions belonging to the newly active tab stop (and all
// insertions whose placeholders reference the newly active tab stop) and
// change their markers to be inclusive.
const insertionsForNewIndex = [
...(this.relatedInsertionsByIndex.get(newIndex) || [])

for (let insertion of insertionsForNewIndex) {
this.replaceMarkerForInsertion(insertion, {exclusive: false})

replaceMarkerForInsertion (insertion, settings) {
const marker = this.markersForInsertions.get(insertion)

// If the marker is invalid or destroyed, return it as-is. Other methods
// need to know if a marker has been invalidated or destroyed, and we have
// no need to change the settings on such markers anyway.
if (!marker.isValid() || marker.isDestroyed()) {
return marker

// Otherwise, create a new marker with an identical range and the specified
// settings.
const range = marker.getBufferRange()
const replacement = this.getMarkerLayer(this.editor).markBufferRange(range, settings)

this.markersForInsertions.set(insertion, replacement)
return replacement

goToNextTabStop () {
const nextIndex = this.tabStopIndex + 1
if (nextIndex < this.tabStopMarkers.length) {
if (nextIndex < this.insertionsByIndex.length) {
if (this.setTabStopIndex(nextIndex)) {
return true
} else {
Expand All @@ -167,28 +277,39 @@ module.exports = class SnippetExpansion {
if (this.tabStopIndex > 0) { this.setTabStopIndex(this.tabStopIndex - 1) }

setTabStopIndex (tabStopIndex) {
this.tabStopIndex = tabStopIndex
setTabStopIndex (newIndex) {
const oldIndex = this.tabStopIndex
this.tabStopIndex = newIndex
// Set a flag before moving any selections so that our change handlers know
// that the movements were initiated by us.
this.settingTabStop = true
// Keep track of whether we placed any selections or cursors.
let markerSelected = false

const items = this.tabStopMarkers[this.tabStopIndex]
if (items.length === 0) { return false }
const insertions = this.insertionsByIndex[this.tabStopIndex]
if (insertions.length === 0) { return false }

const ranges = []
this.hasTransforms = false
for (const item of items) {
const {marker, insertion} = item

// Go through the active tab stop's markers to figure out where to place
// cursors and/or selections.
for (const insertion of insertions) {
const marker = this.markersForInsertions.get(insertion)
if (marker.isDestroyed()) { continue }
if (!marker.isValid()) { continue }
if (insertion.isTransformation()) {
// Set a flag for later, but skip transformation insertions because
// they don't get their own cursors.
this.hasTransforms = true

if (ranges.length > 0) {
// We have new selections to apply. Reuse existing selections if
// possible, destroying the unused ones if we already have too many.
for (const selection of this.selections.slice(ranges.length)) { selection.destroy() }
this.selections = this.selections.slice(0, ranges.length)
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
Expand All @@ -202,34 +323,48 @@ module.exports = class SnippetExpansion {
// We placed at least one selection, so this tab stop was successfully
// set.
markerSelected = true

this.settingTabStop = false
// If this snippet has at least one transform, we need to observe changes
// made to the editor so that we can update the transformed tab stops.
if (this.hasTransforms) { this.snippets.observeEditor(this.editor) }
if (this.hasTransforms) {
} else {

if (oldIndex !== null) {
this.adjustTabStopMarkers(oldIndex, newIndex)

return markerSelected

goToEndOfLastTabStop () {
if (this.tabStopMarkers.length === 0) { return }
const items = this.tabStopMarkers[this.tabStopMarkers.length - 1]
if (items.length === 0) { return }
const {marker: lastMarker} = items[items.length - 1]
const size = this.insertionsByIndex.length
if (size === 0) { return }
const insertions = this.insertionsByIndex[size - 1]
if (insertions.length === 0) { return }
const lastMarker = this.markersForInsertions.get(insertions[insertions.length - 1])

if (lastMarker.isDestroyed()) {
return false
} else {
return true

destroy () {
this.tabStopMarkers = []
this.insertionsByIndex = []
this.relatedInsertionsByIndex = new Map()
this.markersForInsertions = new Map();
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion lib/snippet.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
const {Range} = require('atom')
const TabStopList = require('./tab-stop-list')

function tabStopsReferencedWithinTabStopContent (segment) {
const results = []
for (const item of segment) {
if (item.index) {
results.push(item.index, ...tabStopsReferencedWithinTabStopContent(item.content))
return new Set(results)

module.exports = class Snippet {
constructor({name, prefix, bodyText, description, descriptionMoreURL, rightLabelHTML, leftLabel, leftLabelHTML, bodyTree}) { = name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -28,12 +38,17 @@ module.exports = class Snippet {
if (index === 0) { index = Infinity; }
const start = [row, column]
const referencedTabStops = tabStopsReferencedWithinTabStopContent(content)
const range = new Range(start, [row, column])
const tabStop = this.tabStopList.findOrCreate({
snippet: this
tabStop.addInsertion({ range, substitution })
references: Array.from(referencedTabStops)
} else if (typeof segment === 'string') {
var segmentLines = segment.split('\n')
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/tab-stop.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ class TabStop {
return !all

addInsertion ({ range, substitution }) {
let insertion = new Insertion({ range, substitution })
addInsertion ({ range, substitution, references }) {
let insertion = new Insertion({ range, substitution, references })
let insertions = this.insertions
insertions = insertions.sort((i1, i2) => {
Expand Down

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