Official Github repository for "Blind Removal of Facial Foreign Shadows", accepted to BMVC 2022.
Yaojie Liu*, Andrew Hou*, Xinyu Huang, Liu Ren, Xiaoming Liu (* denotes equal contribution).
Our method has the following dependencies:
- Tensorflow 2.3.0
- Python 3.7.10
- OpenCV 4.7.0
- NumPy 1.18.5
- Tensorflow keras 2.4.0
- sklearn 0.24.2
- scipy 1.4.1
- matplotlib 3.4.2
- PIL 8.2.0
- skimage 0.18.1
- tensorflow_addons 0.13.0
- os, glob, time, sys, random, math, natsort, face-alignment
Before feeding an image to our method, use to compute landmarks for all images in the sample_uncropped_images/ folder. You can empty this folder initially and just place all of your images in (you only need .png, it will generate the .npy files that contain the landmarks).
Next, run This will generate a folder for each image in the sample_uncropped_images_cropped/ folder, where each folder contains the landmarks and a cropped image.
Note that these steps only need to be performed for new in-the-wild images. You do not need to preprocess any of the UCB test set or SFW images: this has already been done.
To test on in-the-wild images, place the resulting folder with your cropped image and landmarks in the sample_imgs/ folder and run:
To run the SFW evaluation on shadow segmentation performance (AUC) and shadow removal performance, run:
To test on the UCB test set, also run:
You will need to change two lines in this file first. Change
DATA_DIR_TEST = ['sample_imgs/*'] to DATA_DIR_TEST = ['UCB/train/input/*']
fsr.testFFHQ(dataset_test) to fsr.test(dataset_test)
You will also need to change one line in
Change dataset =, num_parallel_calls=autotune) to dataset =, num_parallel_calls=autotune)
Link to the original SFW video dataset:
If you utilize our code in your work, please cite our BMVC 2022 paper.
@inproceedings{ blind-removal-of-facial-foreign-shadows,
author = { Yaojie Liu* and Andrew Hou* and Xinyu Huang and Liu Ren and Xiaoming Liu },
title = { Blind Removal of Facial Foreign Shadows },
booktitle = { In Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) },
address = { London, UK },
month = { November },
year = { 2022 },
If there are any questions, please feel free to post here or contact the first author at [email protected]