February.2023 Java Mentoring
- Java Basic Grammar and Code Description
- mentee : Non-major & Freshmen
Before Start
- How to download Eclipse & JDK
Youtube Link
- https://youtu.be/uF9UkrBiybM (Section 1) - 0202
Day 1
- Number / String
- Variable
- annotation / semicolon
- Naming conventions
- Data Type
- Operator
- char / boolean
Youtube Link
- https://youtu.be/MFsfF6ZrWn4 (Section 2) - 0205
Day 2
- Conditional Satement
- Iteration
- If
- Switch / Case
- for, while
Youtube Link
- https://youtu.be/hbSxgoAqSdU (Section 3) - 0210
Day 3
- Array
Youtube Link
- https://youtu.be/3zJ47-8nW34 (Section 4) - 0216