Hello, I'm Taehoon Her currently pursuing a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology. I am conducting research related to medical artificial intelligence and signal processing

Name | HerTaeHoon |
[email protected] | |
phone | 010-8607-6438 |
Blog | https://th-steven.tistory.com/ |
github | https://github.com/TaeHoonHer |
hertaehoon |
Author | Paper Title | Conference | Venue | Presentation Method |
TaeHoon Her*, Sangheon Lee, Jaesok Yu | 시간 영역에서의 Demon 전처리 기반 수동 소나 신호 분리 딥러닝 모델 개발 | THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF KOREA | JeJu, Korea (May.2024) | Oral |
TaeHoon Her*, Sangheon Lee, Jaesok Yu | Highly Accurate Blind Source Separation in Passive Sonar Using Demon Preprocessing on Time Domain | IEEE UFFC-JS | Taipei, Taiwan (Sep. 2024) | Oral |
TaeHoon Her*, Jaesok Yu | Tonal Signal-Based Blind Source Separation in Underwater Acoustic Environments Using Cycle Cv-Tasnet | THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF KOREA | Busan, Korea (Oct.2024) | Oral |
TaeHoon Her*, Jaesok Yu | Cycle Cv-Tasnet: An Interpretable Model for Passive Sonar Signal Separation Using Self-Attention and Cycle Consistency | UnderSea Defense Technology | Oslo, Norway (Mar. 2025) | Oral |
Taehun Kim*, Dokyun Lee, TaeHoon Her, Kanghyeon Ko | The Impact of Haptic and Auditory Feedback on Drivers' Experience During Left and Right Vehicle Detection While Driving | HCI Korea | Hongcheon, Korea(Feb. 2025) |
대회 명 | 참가자 | 주최 | 주관 | 수상명 | 수상 년 월 |
의료인공지능 아이디어 경진대회 | 박도근, 소광섭, 허태훈, 정용찬 | 보건복지부 | 한국보건산업진흥원 | 대한의료정보학회장상 | 2024.12.5 |
특허명 | 발명자 | 출원일 |
DPRNN: A deep learning framework for time-domain separation of passive sonar signal preprocessed by demon analysis | 유재석, 이상헌, 허태훈 | 2024.07.31 |
- (Aug. 2024 ~ Dec. 2024) A Study on Vehicle Lateral Warning System Using Auditory and Haptic Feedback, DGIST(HCI)
- (Aug. 2024 ~ Dec. 2024) Pet Owl Robot, DGIST(HRI)
- Introduction to Data Science
- Digital Logic Design
- (2021.06 ~ 2021.12) President of Data人Sight, Big Data AI Club
- (2021.06 ~ 2021.12) Mentor for Data人Sight, Big Data AI Club, specializing in Data Structures and Algorithms using Python
- (2022.03 ~ 2022.07) Mentor for "Sangsaeng Learning Ddimdol" program in the Big Data Department
- (2023.02 ~ 2023.03) Java Mentor for University Student Union
- (2023.03 ~ 2023.12) President of "Tensor" team, the academic club known as "C.AERANG"
- (2023.03 ~ 2023.06) Python Mentor for the Department of Computer Science
- UI & Android Developer for the SW-centered University Joint Hackathon
- AI Developer for the SKKU AI x Bookathon event at Sungkyunkwan University
- Representative Team from Gangwon Province Participating in National SW-Centric Hackathon
- (Apr. 2021 ~ Nov. 2021) IoT Port Access Management System, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea / Android Development and Raspberry Pi Coding
- (Apr. 2022 ~ Nov. 2022) Development of AI-Based Interactive Maritime Logistics Integrated Complaint Service, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea / AI Development
- (Apr. 2023 ~ Dec. 2023) Development of AI-Based Maritime Logistics Analysis Program, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea / Development of AI Model for Data Analysis, Classification, and Recommendation
- (Apr. 2023 ~ Dec. 2023) Implementation of AI Security Technologies for Autonomous Vessels, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea
- (Mar. 2023 ~ June. 2023) Capstone Design, Korea
- (Sep. 2023 ~ Feb. 2024) National Medical Ultrasound Research Project / Assistant Researcher
- (Feb. 2024 ~ Apr. 2024) Sewol Ferry Memory Project / Android Development
- (December. 2021 ~ Jul. 2023) Team Amatuer Development Agency
- (December. 2022 ~ Aug. 2023) Team Choice Development Team Leader
- 2021.06 ~ 2022.02 Junisis R&D center Intern
- Used Matlab for Frequency analysis
- Learned Verilog
- Design printed circuit board
date | content |
Jan.2022. ~ May.2023. | A.I. Accelerator Computing |
June.2023. ~ July.2023. | Advanced ultrasound research laboratory |
Aug.2023. ~ Feb.2024. | Medical Ultrasound Image Processing Lab |
Author | Paper Title | Conference | Venue | Presentation Method |
TaeHoon Her*, DongYoung Kim, JeongGun Lee | Evaluating the Robustness of RNN-Based Models in Emotion Classification with Noisy Data | JCCI | YeoSu, Korea (Apr.2023) | Oral |
TaeHoon Her | Research on effective machine learning based models for imbalanced cardiovasculardisease datasets | KCC | Jeju Island, Korea (Jun. 2023) | Poster |
Tae-Hoon Her*, Na-Hyun Kim, So-Yeon Kim, Ju-Hyeong Kim | Improving the Efficiency of Defense Mechanisms Against Adversarial Attacks | Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference | JeJu, Korea (Sep.21) | Oral |
Tae-Hoon Her*, Na-Hyun Kim, So-Yeon Kim, Ju-Hyeong Kim | Adversarial Attacks and Detection Methods for Autonomous ship | ACK2023 | Busan, Korea (Nov.2023) | Oral |
- Startup Idea Competition(1st), Korea (Nov. 2021)
- Startup Idea Competition(1st), Korea (Nov. 2022)
- President's Award(1st) for Software Capstone Design (June. 2023)
- Korea Information Processing Society 2023 Maritime Logistics Track Outstanding Paper Award Winner (Oct. 2023)
- 2023 SW Week GitHub Resume Competition(2nd), Korea (Oct. 2023)
- University of York Summer Internship (2023.07 ~ 2023.08)
Have the ability to analyze requirements, participate in project development, and possess sufficient Android development skills to accomplish tasks
- kotlin, java
Have the skills to conceive and create designs independently
- Figma
- Photoshop
Made Simple Mips Processor using Verilog
- Participation in a University Student Union (Learning Assistance App Project)
- Participation in the Software Exhibition by Searang, the Academic Club of the Department of Software at Hallym University (Theme: [Deep Learning] Image Classification, Fare Estimation, Content Recommendations for OTT Platforms)
- Design Collaboration (Figma)
- Version Control (Git / GitLab)
- Deployment (Step-by-step Deployment)
- Communication (Slack)
- Team (Purposeful Organization)
- Android App Development Bootcamp
- Android Architecture Masterclass
- Everything about Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing
- Simple Mips Processor by Verilog
- Vision Fair IT Development Position [Douzone]
- Developing VR/AR Apps based on Cloud AI Services
- Guest Lecture on Career Opportunities as a Global Software Expert
- Trends in Embedded AI for Products
- Guest Lecture on "Expectations of Software Companies for New Software Engineers"
- Concept and Hands-on Practice of Docker
- Overview of Hardware Acceleration for Deep Neural Network
- Introduction to Intelligent Algorithms for Automated Vehicle Systems
- ASIC Design & Verification
- Connected AI Service for the Next-Generation Mobile System