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Project Building

JonnathanRiquelmo edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 1 revision


Openjdk 11.0.7 or newer


SQL Editor

  1. You can fork the project repository, creating your local copy. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment changes without affecting the original project.

  2. Alternatively, you can clone this project directly with a simple command:

    $ git clone
  3. To build the project, you need to start the Eclipse IDE and open the directory containing the project. ⚠️ We strongly recommend the use of Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers version. ⚠️

  4. This project is composed of 5 related subprojects. Most of the DSL implementation is in the org.xtext.unipampa.erdsl project. This one contains the implementation of grammar, generators and scoping/validations. The other subprojects are related to testing, UI and IDE modifications.

  5. If you want to change any aspect of the language's grammar, go to:


    6.1.After changes, rigth click ErDsl.xtext file.

    6.2. In the context menu select Run As >> Generate Xtext Artifacts.

  6. If you want to change any aspect of the generators responsible for the transformation between the models, go to:


  7. There are currently 5 implemented generators: A main generator that dispatches the described models to subgenerators. These subgenerators are responsible for creating the supported files (conceptual diagram, textual logical model, and SQL statements for PostgreSQL and MySQL).

  8. To generate the language plugin go to the top bar menu:

    8.1. Click in File >> Export .

    8.2. Type plugin in the wizard.

    8.3. Select Deployable plugins and fragments.

    8.4. In the options that appear you do need to generate at least the plugin selecting:


