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Julien Guérin edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 15 revisions

OSIRIS Data Elements Concepts


Property Definition EN
Id Patient ID in the center providing the information
Gender Gender of the patient
Ethnicity Ethnicity of the patient
BirthDate Date of birth of the patient
DeathDate Date of death of the patient
ProviderCenterId Center ID of the center providing the information
OriginCenterId Center ID of the center of origin of the patient
CauseOfDeath Description of the cause of death of the patient
LastNewsDate Date of last news (= date of last patient visit if there is no other information available) (day is set to the 15th)
LastNewsStatus Indicator of the patient's last known vital status (alive or deceased)


Property Definition EN
Date Date of consent signature
GeneticAnalysisAuthorization Consent for genetic analysis


Property Definition EN
PathologyCode International code for the related disease (other than cancer). 3 characters.
DiagnosisDate Date of diagnosis for the related disease.
PathologyEndDate Date of the end of the related disease (if occuring and known)


Property Definition EN
TopographyCode International code for the localization of the oncologic primary site
Parentage Family relationship


Property Definition EN
Type The field 'Type' allows to describe the 'Cancer' event as a global disease, as well as the various events constituting this disease (primary tumor, local relapse, metastatic relapse...)
StartDate Date of start of cancer event or disease
EndDate Date of end of cancer event or disease
PerformanceStatus Definition of the autonomy scale (Karnofsky scale or OMS)
G8 Tool for the evaluation of the general condition of the patient
HistologicalGradeType List of histological grading scales
HistologicalGradeValue Value of histological grade
StadeType List of stage scales
StadeValue Stage value
DiagnosisDate Date of diagnosis of the tumor event
TopographyCode Localisation of the primary tumor
MorphologyCode International code of lesion / histological type / tumor morphology of the tumoral event
Laterality Laterality of location (if it exists)


Property Definition EN
T Size of the tumor, propagation the site of the primary tumor
N Propagation at the ganglion level
M Remote propagation, presence of metastases
Version TNM classification version
Type c, p, r,...


Property Definition EN
Code Code of analysis
Type Type of analysis
Date Date of analysis


Property Definition EN
Date Date of assessment of treatment response
Status Assessment of treatment response


Property Definition EN
Code Biomarker name
Value Biomarker value
Unit Biomarker unit


Property Definition EN
Type Type of treatment
LineNumber Line of treatment
ActivityCode CCAM code of the medical act
StartDate Date of treatment start
EndDate Date of treatment end
ClinicalTrialContext Treatment performed in a clinical study setting
ClinicalTrialName Name of the clinical study
ClinicalTrialId NCT identifier of the clinical study
SurgeryResectionQuality Quality of resection (anapath)
SurgeryNature Nature of the surgery


Property Definition EN
Code International code of the adverse event occurring during treatment (excluding other cancer), only the first 4 letters.
Date Date of the diagnosis of the adverse event
EndDate End date of the adverse event (if known)
Grade Grade of the adverse event


Property Definition EN
Code Therapeutic classification code (5th level if possible)
Name Name of the molecule


Property Definition EN
ExternalAccession Unique identifier of the sample
ParentExternalAccession Unique identifier of the parent sample (if there is one, example histo#)
CollectDate Date of sampling
TopographyCode Code of tumor localization
Nature Nature of the sample
Origin Nature of the original sample (Healthy or Tumoral)
StorageTemperature Mode of preservation
TumorCellularity Percentage of tumor cells quantified in the sample


Property Definition EN
TechnicalProtocol Protocol used for the experiment
PlatformName Technological platform name (provider followed by the platform name)
PlatformAccession GEO Identifier of the platform
DateOfExperiment Date when the experiment was performed


Property Definition EN
Name Name of the panel targeted by the experimental analysis (provider followed by the panel name)


Property Definition EN
AnalyticPipelineCode Identifier of the pipeline used into the analysis (unique in the center)


Property Definition EN
AlgorithmicCellularity Calculated percentage of tumor cells in sample
AlgorithmicPloidy Calculated number of sets of chromosomes in a cell of the sample
NumberOfBreakPoints Calculated number of break points in genomic profile


Property Definition EN
AlterationType General type of the detected genetic alteration (high level type)
Pathogenicity Conclusion of the biologist on the pathogenicity of the variant before the Molecular Tumor Board
Actionability Conclusion of the clinicians wether the variant is actionable or not during the Molecular Tumor Board
ProposedForOrientation Is the ClinicalTumorBoardConclusion used to orient the treatment decision ?


Property Definition EN
Type Type of validation of the detected alteration
Method Validation method depending on the type of validation
Status Validation status of the detected alteration


Property Definition EN
Chromosome Chromosome containing the genetic finding
GenomicStart Nucleotide location for start of genomic finding on the positive (+) genomics strand, 1-based
GenomicStop Nucleotide location for end of genomic finding on the positive (+) genomic strand, 1-based
GenomeBuild Genome Build used for reference
Cytoband Cytogenetic location


Property Definition EN
Type Type of the genome entity. For eg: gene, mRNA, ncRNA...
Database Database of the genome entity
Id Identifier of the genome entity in the genome entity database
Symbol Hugo gene symbol


Property Definition EN
Type Type of the fusion event. For eg: translocation, readthrough
Point5prime Position of the fusion point on the 5 prime partner
Point3prime Position of the fusion point on the 3 prime partner
InFrame Specify whether the fusion is in frame
NbSpanningPair Number of reads pairs spanning the fusion
NbSplitReads Number of reads containing the fusion point


Property Definition EN
SegmentIntensity Intensity of the measured signal
SegmentGenomicStatus Copy number status
CopyNumber Estimated DNA copy number
LOH Is the segment located in a region of loss of heterozygosity ? (can be independant from copy number information


Property Definition EN
ReferenceAllele Plus strand reference allele at this position. Include the sequence deleted for a deletion, or '-' for an insertion.
AlternativeAllele Plus strand observed alternative allele at this position. Include the sequence inserted for a insertion, or '-' for a deletion.
DNASequenceVariationType Codified type of the DNA sequence variation


Property Definition EN
MutationPredictionAlgorithm Algorithm to predict the variation effect over the protein
MutationPredictionValue Prediction of the variation effect over the protein
MutationPredictionScore Level of confidence of the prediction of the variation effect over the protein
PfamDomain Pfams domains related to alteration position
PfamId Identifier of Pfams domains related to alteration position
DNARegionName Human readable name for the region of interest related to the transcript (eg: exon1, intron1, UTR3')
DNASequenceVariation HGVS nomenclature on the chosen transcript
AminoAcidChange HGVS nomenclature on the chosen protein transcript
GenomicSequenceVariation HGVS nomenclature on the given GenomeReferenceSequenceId.
RNASequenceVariation HGVS nomenclature on the given TranscriptReferenceSequenceId and experimentely observed on RNA.
AminoAcidChangeType nomenclature of changes at protein-level
FusionPrimeEnd Prime end of the fusion partner
Strand Strand
OnSplicingSite Indicate wether the variant is on a splicing site


Property Definition EN
PositionReadDepth Total sequencing depth at the variant position observed in the specimen
VariantReadDepth Sequencing depth of the alternative allele at the variant position observed in the specimen
StrandBias Indication of the existence of strand bias at the variant position
GenomicSourceClass Genomic class of the variant (eg: germline, somatic, and prenatal)
AllelicState Level of allelic occurrence of a DNA Sequence Variation


Property Definition EN
DataType Type of the expression value corresponding to the level of data processing
Value Numerical value for expression
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