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Y. Laizet edited this page May 28, 2018
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ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Patient | Id | Patient_Id | Patient Id | Id du patient | String | mandatory | Identifiant du patient dans le centre transmetteur de l'information | C1 | SHIVA_01-001 | |||
Patient | Gender | Patient_Gender | Gender | Sexe du patient | v3 Code System AdministrativeGender | String | mandatory | Sexe du patient | C2 | |||
Patient | Ethnicity | Patient_Ethnicity | Ethnicity | Ethnicité | HL7 v3 Code System Race | String | optional | Origine ethnique du patient | C3 | |||
Patient | BirthDate | Patient_BirthDate | Birth Date | Date de naissance | Date | mandatory | Date de naissance du patient | C4 | YYYY-MM-DD | |||
Patient | DeathDate | Patient_DeathDate | Death Date | Date de décès | Date | optional | Date de décès du patient | C5 | YYYY-MM-DD | |||
Patient | ProviderCenterId | Patient_ProviderCenterId | Provider Center Id | Id du Centre fournisseur de données | String | mandatory | Identifiant du centre transmetteur de l'information (code FINESS) | C6 | ||||
Patient | OriginCenterId | Patient_OriginCenterId | Origin Center Id | Id du Centre d'origine du patient | String | mandatory | Identifiant du centre d'origine du patient | C71 | ||||
Patient | CauseOfDeath | Patient_CauseOfDeath | Cause of death | Cause de décès | UMLS:C0007465 | String | mandatory if DeathDate is set | Descriptif de la cause de décès du patient | C7 | |||
Patient | LastNewsDate | Patient_LastNewsDate | Last News Date | Date de dernières nouvelles | Date | mandatory | Date de dernières nouvelles du patient (= date de dernière venue du patient si aucune autre information disponible) (le jour est fixé au 15) | C8 | ||||
Patient | LastNewsStatus | Patient_LastNewsStatus | Last News Status | Etat aux dernières nouvelles | String | mandatory | Indicateur de l'état du patient aux dernières nouvelles (Vivant ou décédé) | C9 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Consent | Date | Consent_Date | Date | Date de signature du consentement | Date | mandatory | Date de signature du consentement | Signed consent date | C72 | |||
Consent | GeneticAnalysisAuthorization | Consent_GeneticAnalysisAuthorization | Genetic Analysis Authorization | Autorisation pour des analyses génétiques | Boolean | mandatory | Autorisation pour des analyses génétiques | C79 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
RelatedPathology | PathologyCode | RelatedPathology_PathologyCode | Pathology Code | Code | ICD-10 | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Code international de la pathologie associée (hors autre cancer). 3 caractères | C13 | E11 | ||
RelatedPathology | DiagnosisDate | RelatedPathology_DiagnosisDate | Diagnosis Date | Date | Date | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Date du diagnostic de la pathologie associée | C14 | La date de diagnostic peut être inconnue, dans ce cas il est proposé de prendre la date du document de consultation dans lequel apparaît cette information | |||
RelatedPathology | PathologyEndDate | RelatedPathology_PathologyEndDate | Pathology End Date | Date de fin | Date | optional | Date de fin de la pathologie associée (si elle existe et est connue). | C15 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
FamilyCancerHistory | TopographyCode | FamilyCancerHistory_TopographyCode | Topography Code | Code Localisation | CIM-O-3 Topo | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Code international de la localisation de l'antécédent carcinologique | C17 | |||
FamilyCancerHistory | Parentage | FamilyCancerHistory_Parentage | Parentage | Parentage | OSIRIS:FamilyCancerHistoryParentage | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Lien de parenté | C77 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
TumorPathologyEvent | Type | TumorPathologyEvent_Type | Type | Type d'événement | OSIRIS:EventType | String | mandatory | Le champ 'Type' permet de décrire à la fois l'événement 'Cancer' en tant que maladie globale que les différents événements constituant cette maladie (Tumeur initiale, Récidive locale, Récidive métastatique). | C20 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | StartDate | TumorPathologyEvent_StartDate | Start Date | Date de début de l'évènement | Date | mandatory | Date de début de l'événement tumoral ou de la maladie | C21 | La date de début de l'événement = la date de diagnostic si elle n'existe pas de date de début de l'événement facilement identifiable. La date de début de l'événement pourrait être égale à la date de la première consultation | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | PerformanceStatus | TumorPathologyEvent_PerformanceStatus | Performance Status | Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status | OMS | String | optional | Définition de l'échelle d'autonomie (échelle de Karnofsky ou OMS) | C22 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | G8 | TumorPathologyEvent_G8 | G8 | Outil de dépistage G8 | G8 | Integer | optional | outil d'évaluation de l'état général des patients âgés ayant un cancer | C23 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | T | TumorPathologyEvent_T | T | T | OSIRIS:T_TNM | String | optional, mandatory if either N, M or TNMType is set | Taille de la tumeur, propagation sur le site de la tumeur primitive | C24 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | N | TumorPathologyEvent_N | N | N | OSIRIS:N_TNM | String | optional, mandatory if either T, M or TNMType is set | Propagation au niveau ganglionnaire | C25 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | M | TumorPathologyEvent_M | M | M | OSIRIS:M_TNM | String | optional, mandatory if either T, N or TNMType is set | Propagation à distance, présence de métastases | C26 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | TNMVersion | TumorPathologyEvent_TNMVersion | TNM Version | Version du TNM | OSIRIS:TNMVersion | String | optional | Version de la classification TNM | C27 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | TNMType | TumorPathologyEvent_TNMType | TNM Type | Type de TNM | OSIRIS:TNMType | String | optional, mandatory if either T, N or M is set | c, p, r,... | C28 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | HistologicalGradeType | TumorPathologyEvent_HistologicalGradeType | Histological Grade Type | HistologicalGradeType | String | optional, mandatory if HistologicalGradeValue is set | Liste des échelles de grading histologique | C29 | ||||
TumorPathologyEvent | HistologicalGradeValue | TumorPathologyEvent_HistologicalGradeValue | Histological Grade Value | HistologicalGradeValue | String | optional, mandatory if HistologicalGradeType is set | Valeur du grade histologique | C30 | ||||
TumorPathologyEvent | StadeType | TumorPathologyEvent_StadeType | Stade Type | StadeType | String | optional, mandatory if StadeValue is set | Liste des échelles de stade | C31 | ||||
TumorPathologyEvent | StadeValue | TumorPathologyEvent_StadeValue | Stade Value | StadeValue | String | optional, mandatory if StadeType is set | Valeur du stade | C32 | ||||
TumorPathologyEvent | DiagnosisDate | TumorPathologyEvent_DiagnosisDate | Diagnosis Date | Date du diagnostic | Date | mandatory | Date du diagnostic de l'événement tumoral | C33 | ||||
TumorPathologyEvent | TopographyCode | TumorPathologyEvent_TopographyCode | Topography Code | Code Localisation | CIM-O-3 Topo | String | mandatory | Code international de la localisation de l'événement tumoral | C34 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | MorphologyCode | TumorPathologyEvent_MorphologyCode | Morphology Code | Code Morphologie / Lésion | CIM-O-3 Morpho | String | mandatory | Code international de la lésion / type histologique / morphologie de l'événement tumoral | C35 | |||
TumorPathologyEvent | Laterality | TumorPathologyEvent_Laterality | Laterality | Latéralité | Laterality | String | optional | Latéralité de la localisation (si elle existe) | C36 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Analysis | Code | Analysis_Code | Code | Code unique de l'analyse | String | optional | Code de l'analyse | C70 | ||||
Analysis | Type | Analysis_Type | Type | Type d'analyse | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Type d'analyse | C37 | ||||
Analysis | Date | Analysis_Date | Date | Date d'analyse | Date | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Date d'analyse | C38 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
ResponseEvaluation | Date | ResponseEvaluation_Date | Date | Date de l'évaluation de la réponse | Date | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Date de l'évaluation de la réponse au traitement | C78 | ||||
ResponseEvaluation | Status | ResponseEvaluation_Status | Status | Statut de l'évaluation de la réponse | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Evaluation de la réponse au traitement | C73 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Biomarker | Code | Biomarker_Code | Code | Code du marqueur | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Nom du marqueur | C39 | ||||
Biomarker | Value | Biomarker_Value | Value | Valeur du marqueur | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Valeur du marqueur | C40 | ||||
Biomarker | Unit | Biomarker_Unit | Unit | Unité d'expression du marqueur | String | optional | Unité d'expression du marqueur | C81 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Treatment | Type | Treatment_Type | Type | Type de traitement | TreatmentType | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Type de traitement | C41 | |||
Treatment | LineNumber | Treatment_LineNumber | Line Number | Numéro de ligne | String | optional | Ligne de traitement | C74 | ||||
Treatment | ActivityCode | Treatment_ActivityCode | Activity Code | Codification de l'acte | CCAM | String | optional | Code CCAM de l'acte | C42 | |||
Treatment | StartDate | Treatment_StartDate | Start Date | Date de début | Date | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Date de début du traitement | C43 | ||||
Treatment | EndDate | Treatment_EndDate | End Date | Date de fin | Date | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Date de fin du traitement | C44 | ||||
Treatment | ClinicalTrialContext | Treatment_ClinicalTrialContext | Clinical Trial Context | Clinical trial (Yes | No) | Boolean | optional | Traitement effectué dans un contexte d'étude clinique | C45 | ||||
Treatment | ClinicalTrialName | Treatment_ClinicalTrialName | Clinical Trial Name | Nom de l'essai clinique | String | optional, mandatory if ClinicalTrialContext is 'Yes' | Nome de l'étude clinique | C75 | ||||
Treatment | ClinicalTrialId | Treatment_ClinicalTrialId | Clinical Trial Id | Identifiant de l'essai clinique | String | optional, mandatory if ClinicalTrialContext is 'Yes' | Identifiant NCT de l'étude clinique | C76 | ||||
Treatment | SurgeryResectionQuality | Treatment_SurgeryResectionQuality | Surgery Resection Quality | Qualité de la résection (anapath) | SurgeryResection | String | optional | Qualité de la résection (anapath) | C46 | |||
Treatment | SurgeryNature | Treatment_SurgeryNature | Surgery Nature | Nature de la chirurgie | String | optional | Nature de la chirurgie | C47 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
AdverseEvent | Code | AdverseEvent_Code | Code | Code de l'événement indésirable | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Code international de l'événement indésirable survenu en cours de traitement (hors autre cancer), seulement les 4 premières lettres. | C48 | ||||
AdverseEvent | Date | AdverseEvent_Date | Date | Date de l'événement indésirable | Date | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Date du diagnostic de l'événement indésirable | C49 | ||||
AdverseEvent | EndDate | AdverseEvent_EndDate | End Date | Date de fin | Date | optional | Date de fin de l'événement indésirable (si elle est connue) | C50 | ||||
AdverseEvent | Grade | AdverseEvent_Grade | Grade | Grade | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Grade de l'évenement indésirable | C80 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Drug | Code | Drug_Code | Code | Code molécule | ATC 5e niveau | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Code de la classification thérapeutique (5ème niveau si possible) | C51 | |||
Drug | Name | Drug_Name | Name | Nom de la molécule | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Nom de la molécule | C52 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
BiologicalSample | SampleExternalAccession | BiologicalSample_SampleExternalAccession | Sample External Accession | Id unique de l'échantillon | MIABIS-39 | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Identifiant unique de l'échantillon | C53 | |||
BiologicalSample | ParentSampleExternalAccession | BiologicalSample_ParentSampleExternalAccession | Parent Sample External Accession | Identifiant unique de l'échantillon parent | MIABIS-40 | String | optional | Identifiant unique de l'échantillon parent (s'il en existe un, exemple N°histo) | C54 | |||
BiologicalSample | CollectDate | BiologicalSample_CollectDate | Collect Date | Date du prélèvement | MIABIS-43 | Date | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Date du prélèvement | C56 | |||
BiologicalSample | TopographyCode | BiologicalSample_TopographyCode | Topography Code | Code Localisation | CIM-O-3 Topo | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Code de la localisation tumorale | C57 | |||
BiologicalSample | Nature | BiologicalSample_Nature | Nature | Nature de l'échantillon | MIABIS-41 | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | La nature de l'échantillon | C58 | |||
BiologicalSample | Origin | BiologicalSample_Origin | Origin | Nature du prélèvement (tumoral / sain) | OSIRIS:SampleOrigin | String | mandatory if ObjectClass is set | Nature du prélèvement d'origine (Sain ou Tumoral) | C59 | |||
BiologicalSample | StorageTemperature | BiologicalSample_StorageTemperature | Storage Temperature | Mode de conservation | MIABIS-42 | String | optional | Le mode de conservation | C60 | |||
BiologicalSample | TumorCellularity | BiologicalSample_TumorCellularity | Tumor Cellularity | % de cellules tumorales | Integer | optional | Le pourcentage de cellules tumorales quantifié dans l'échantillon | C61 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Technology | TechnicalProtocol | Technology_TechnicalProtocol | Technical Protocol | Technical Protocol | OSIRIS:TechnicalProtocol | String | mandatory | Protocol used for the experiment | O6 | |||
Technology | PlatformName | Technology_PlatformName | Platform Name | Platform Name | OSIRIS:PlatformName | String | mandatory | Technological platform name (provider followed by the platform name) | O7 | Agilent Human CGH 1x1M | ||
Technology | PlatformAccession | Technology_PlatformAccession | Platform Accession | Platform Accession | OSIRIS:PlatformAccession | String | optional | GEO Identifier of the platform | O8 | GPL21026 | ||
Technology | DateOfExperiment | Technology_DateOfExperiment | Date Of Experiment | Date Of Experiment | OSIRIS:DateOfExperiment | Date | cle primaire | Date when the experiment was performed | O9 | 2018-20-03 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Panel | Name | Panel_Name | Name | Name | OSIRIS:PanelName | String | optional | Name of the panel targeted by the experimental analysis (provider + name) | O10 | Ion AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot Panel v2 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
AnalysisProcess | AnalyticPipelineCode | AnalysisProcess_AnalyticPipelineCode | Analytic Pipeline Code | Analytic Pipeline Code | OSIRIS:AnalyticPipelineCode | String | mandatory | Identifier of the pipeline used into the analysis (unique in the center) | O11 | sbd54dsf57s |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
OmicAnalysis | AlgorithmicCellularity | OmicAnalysis_AlgorithmicCellularity | Algorithmic Cellularity | Algorithmic Cellularity | OSIRIS:AlgorithmicCellularity | Integer | optional | Calculated percentage of tumor cells in sample | O12 | 50 | ||
OmicAnalysis | AlgorithmicPloidy | OmicAnalysis_AlgorithmicPloidy | Algorithmic Ploidy | Algorithmic Ploidy | OSIRIS:AlgorithmicPloïdy | String | optional | Calculated number of sets of chromosomes in a cell of the sample | O13 | O13-2 | ||
OmicAnalysis | NumberOfBreakPoints | OmicAnalysis_NumberOfBreakPoints | Number Of Break Points | Number Of Break Points | OSIRIS:NumberOfBreakPoints | Integer | optional | Calculated number of break points in genomic profile | O14 | 320 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
AlterationOnSample | AlterationType | AlterationOnSample_AlterationType | Alteration Type | Alteration Type | OSIRIS:AlterationType | String | mandatory | General type of the detected genetic alteration (high level type) | O15 | Copy number variation | ||
AlterationOnSample | Pathogenicity | AlterationOnSample_Pathogenicity | Pathogenicity | Pathogenicity | ACMG | String | optional | Conclusion of the biologist on the pathogenicity of the variant before the Molecular Tumor Board | O81 | |||
AlterationOnSample | Actionability | AlterationOnSample_Actionability | Actionability | Actionability | OBI | String | optional | Conclusion of the clinicians wether the variant is actionable or not during the Molecular Tumor Board | O82 | |||
AlterationOnSample | ProposedForOrientation | AlterationOnSample_ProposedForOrientation | Proposed For Orientation | Proposed For Orientation | OBI | Boolean | optional | Is the ClinicalTumorBoardConclusion used to orient the treatment decision ? | O83 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Validation | Type | Validation_Type | Type | Type | OSIRIS:ValidationType | String | mandatory | Type of validation of the detected alteration | O16 | Experimental | ||
Validation | Method | Validation_Method | Method | Method | OSIRIS:ValidationMethod | String | mandatory | Validation method depending on the type of validation | O17 | |||
Validation | Status | Validation_Status | Status | Status | OSIRIS:ValidationStatus | String | mandatory | Validation status of the detected alteration | O18 | Validated |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Alteration | Chromosome | Alteration_Chromosome | Chromosome | Chromosome | OSIRIS:Chromosome | String | mandatory | Chromosome containing the genetic finding | O19 | |||
Alteration | GenomicStart | Alteration_GenomicStart | Genomic Start | Genomic Start | FHIR:extension-geneticsGenomicStart | Integer | mandatory | Nucleotide location for start of genomic finding on the positive (+) genomics strand, 1-based | O20 | |||
Alteration | GenomicStop | Alteration_GenomicStop | Genomic Stop | Genomic Stop | FHIR:extension-geneticsGenomicStop | Integer | mandatory | Nucleotide location for end of genomic finding on the positive (+) genomic strand, 1-based | O21 | |||
Alteration | GenomeBuild | Alteration_GenomeBuild | Genome Build | Genome Build | FHIR:extension-geneticsGenomeBuild | String | mandatory | Genome Build used for reference | O22 | |||
Alteration | Cytoband | Alteration_Cytoband | Cytoband | Cytoband | OSIRIS:Cytoband | String | optional | Cytogenetic location | O23 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
GenomeEntity | Type | GenomeEntity_Type | Type | Type | OSIRIS:GenomeEntityType | String | mandatory | Type of the genome entity. For eg: gene, mRNA, ncRNA... | O24 | |||
GenomeEntity | Database | GenomeEntity_Database | Database | Database | OSIRIS:GenomeEntityDatabase | String | mandatory | Database of the genome entity | O25 | |||
GenomeEntity | Id | GenomeEntity_Id | Id | Id | FHIR:extension-observation-geneticsGene | String | mandatory | Identifier of the genome entity in the genome entity database | O26 | |||
GenomeEntity | Symbol | GenomeEntity_Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | LOINC:48018-6 | String | mandatory if gene | Hugo gene symbol | O27 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Fusion | Type | Fusion_Type | Type | Type | OSIRIS:FusionType | String | optional | Type of the fusion event. For eg: translocation, readthrough | O28 | |||
Fusion | Point5prime | Fusion_Point5prime | Point 5 prime | Point 5 prime | OSIRIS:FusionPoint5prime | String | mandatory | Position of the fusion point on the 5 prime partner | O35 | |||
Fusion | Point3prime | Fusion_Point3prime | Point 3 prime | Point 3 prime | OSIRIS:FusionPoint3prime | Integer | mandatory | Position of the fusion point on the 3 prime partner | O40 | |||
Fusion | InFrame | Fusion_InFrame | In Frame | In Frame | OSIRIS:FusionInFrame | Boolean | optional | Specify whether the fusion is in frame | O41 | |||
Fusion | NbSpanningPair | Fusion_NbSpanningPair | Nb Spanning Pair | Nb Spanning Pair | OSIRIS:FusionNbSpanningPair | Integer | mandatory | Number of reads pairs spanning the fusion | O44 | |||
Fusion | NbSplitReads | Fusion_NbSplitReads | Nb Split Reads | Nb Split Reads | OSIRIS:FusionNbSplitReads | Integer | optional | Number of reads containing the fusion point | O46 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
CNV | SegmentIntensity | CNV_SegmentIntensity | Segment Intensity | Segment Intensity | OSIRIS:SegmentIntensity | Float | mandatory | Intensity of the measured signal | O47 | |||
CNV | SegmentGenomicStatus | CNV_SegmentGenomicStatus | Segment Genomic Status | Segment Genomic Status | OSIRIS:SegmentGenomicStatus | String | mandatory | Copy number status | O49 | |||
CNV | CopyNumber | CNV_CopyNumber | Copy Number | Copy Number | OSIRIS:CopyNumber | Integer | optional | Estimated DNA copy number | O50 | |||
CNV | LOH | CNV_LOH | LOH | LOH | OSIRIS:LossOfHeterozygosity | Boolean | optional | Is the segment located in a region of loss of heterozygosity ? (can be independant from copy number information | O51 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Variant | ReferenceAllele | Variant_ReferenceAllele | Reference Allele | Reference Allele | FHIR:Sequence.referenceAllele | String | mandatory | Plus strand reference allele at this position. Include the sequence deleted for a deletion, or '-' for an insertion. | O53 | |||
Variant | AlternativeAllele | Variant_AlternativeAllele | Alternative Allele | Alternative Allele | FHIR:Sequence.observedAllele | String | mandatory | Plus strand observed alternative allele at this position. Include the sequence inserted for a insertion, or '-' for a deletion. | O54 | |||
Variant | DNASequenceVariationType | Variant_DNASequenceVariationType | DNA Sequence Variation Type | DNA Sequence Variation Type | LOINC:48019-4 | String | mandatory | Codified type of the DNA sequence variation | O55 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
Annotation | ReferenceType | Annotation_ReferenceType | Reference Type | Reference Type | OSIRIS:Annotation_ReferenceType | String | optional | O90 | ||||
Annotation | ReferenceDatabase | Annotation_ReferenceDatabase | Reference Database | Reference Database | OSIRIS:Annotation_ReferenceDatabase | String | optional | O91 | ||||
Annotation | ReferenceId | Annotation_ReferenceId | Reference Id | Reference Id | OSIRIS:Annotation_ReferenceId | String | optional | O92 | ||||
Annotation | PfamDomain | Annotation_PfamDomain | Pfam Domain | Pfam Domain | OSIRIS:PfamDomain | String | optional | Pfams domains related to alteration position | O58 | |||
Annotation | PfamId | Annotation_PfamId | Pfam Id | Pfam Id | OSIRIS:PfamId | String | optional | Identifier of Pfams domains related to alteration position | O59 | |||
Annotation | MutationPredictionAlgorithm | Annotation_MutationPredictionAlgorithm | Mutation Prediction Algorithm | Mutation Prediction Algorithm | OSIRIS:MutationPredictionAlgorithm | String | optional | Algorithm to predict the variation effect over the protein | O63 | |||
Annotation | MutationPredictionValue | Annotation_MutationPredictionValue | Mutation Prediction Value | Mutation Prediction Value | OSIRIS:MutationPredictionValue | String | optional | Prediction of the variation effect over the protein | O64 | |||
Annotation | MutationPredictionScore | Annotation_MutationPredictionScore | Mutation Prediction Score | Mutation Prediction Score | OSIRIS:MutationPredictionScore | Float | optional | Level of confidence of the prediction of the variation effect over the protein | O65 | |||
Annotation | DNARegionName | Annotation_DNARegionName | DNA Region Name | DNA Region Name | FHIR:extension-observation-geneticsDNARegionName | String | optional | Human readable name for the region of interest related to the transcript (eg: exon1, intron1, UTR3') | O66 | |||
Annotation | DNASequenceVariation | Annotation_DNASequenceVariation | DNA Sequence Variation | DNA Sequence Variation | FHIR:extension-observation-geneticsDNASequenceVariation | String | mandatory | HGVS nomenclature on the chosen transcript | O71 | c.6964C>T | ||
Annotation | AminoAcidChange | Annotation_AminoAcidChange | Amino Acid Change | Amino Acid Change | FHIR:extension-observation-geneticsAminoAcidChange | String | optional | HGVS nomenclature on the chosen protein transcript | O72 | p.Arg2322Cys | ||
Annotation | GenomicSequenceVariation | Annotation_GenomicSequenceVariation | Genomic Sequence Variation | Genomic Sequence Variation | OSIRIS:GenomicSequenceVariation | String | optional | HGVS nomenclature on the given GenomeReferenceSequenceId. | O73 | g.1567234_1567235insTG | ||
Annotation | RNASequenceVariation | Annotation_RNASequenceVariation | RNA Sequence Variation | RNA Sequence Variation | OSIRIS:RNASequenceVariation | String | optional | HGVS nomenclature on the given TranscriptReferenceSequenceId and experimentely observed on RNA. | O74 | r.67g>u | ||
Annotation | AminoAcidChangeType | Annotation_AminoAcidChangeType | Amino Acid Change Type | Amino Acid Change Type | OSIRIS:AminoAcidChangeType | String | optional | HGVS nomenclature of changes at protein-level | O75 | |||
Annotation | FusionPrimeEnd | Annotation_FusionPrimeEnd | Fusion Prime End | Fusion Prime End | OSIRIS:Annotation_FusionPrimeEnd | String | optional | Prime end of the fusion partner | O93 | 5prime | ||
Annotation | Strand | Annotation_Strand | Strand | Strand | OSIRIS:Annotation_Strand | String | optional | Strand | O94 | + | ||
Annotation | Symbol | Annotation_Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | LOINC:48018-6 | String | mandatory | Gene symbol (HUGO) of the gene | O95 | TP53 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
VariantInSample | PositionReadDepth | VariantInSample_PositionReadDepth | Position Read Depth | Position Read Depth | OSIRIS:PositionReadDepth | Integer | mandatory | Total sequencing depth at the variant position observed in the specimen | O76 | |||
VariantInSample | VariantReadDepth | VariantInSample_VariantReadDepth | Variant Read Depth | Variant Read Depth | OSIRIS:VariantReadDepth | Integer | mandatory | Sequencing depth of the alternative allele at the variant position observed in the specimen | O77 | |||
VariantInSample | StrandBias | VariantInSample_StrandBias | Strand Bias | Strand Bias | OSIRIS:StrandBias | Boolean | optional | Indication of the existence of strand bias at the variant position | O78 | |||
VariantInSample | GenomicSourceClass | VariantInSample_GenomicSourceClass | Genomic Source Class | Genomic Source Class | LOINC:LL378-1 | String | mandatory | Genomic class of the variant (eg: germline, somatic, and prenatal) | O79 | Somatic | ||
VariantInSample | AllelicState | VariantInSample_AllelicState | Allelic State | Allelic State | LOINC:LL381-5 | String | optional | Level of allelic occurrence of a DNA Sequence Variation | O80 |
ObjectClass | ObjectProperty | DataElementConcept | ObjectPropertyLabelEN | ObjectPropertyLabelFR | ConceptualDomain | FormatConceptualDomain | Required | DataElementConceptDefFR | DataElementConceptDefEN | IdDataElementConcept | Examples | Convention d'alimentation de la donnée |
GeneExpression | DataType | GeneExpression_DataType | Data Type | Data Type | OSIRIS:ExpressionDataType | String | mandatory | Type of the expression value corresponding to the level of data processing | O84 | |||
GeneExpression | Value | GeneExpression_Value | Value | Value | OSIRIS:ExpressionValue | Float | mandatory | Numerical value for expression | O85 |
- Patient
- Consent
- RelatedPathology
- FamilyCancerHistory
- TumorPathologyEvent
- Analysis
- ResponseEvaluation
- Biomarker
- Treatment
- AdverseEvent
- Drug
- BiologicalSample
- Technology
- Panel
- AnalysisProcess
- OmicAnalysis
- AlterationOnSample
- Validation
- Alteration
- GenomeEntity
- Fusion
- Variant
- Annotation
- VariantInSample
- GeneExpression