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ylaizet edited this page Oct 5, 2016 · 15 revisions


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Patient id Id du patient C1
Patient Sexe Sexe C2
Patient Date de naissance Date de naissance C3
Patient Date de décès Date de décès C4
Patient id Id du Centre C5
Patient Cause du décès Cause du décès C6
Patient Date de dernières nouvelles Date de dernières nouvelles C7
Patient Etat aux dernières nouvelles Etat aux dernières nouvelles C8

Pathologie associée

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Pathologie associée Code Code C9
Pathologie associée Date Date C10
Pathologie associée Date de fin Date de fin C11

Antécédent carcinologique personnel ou familial

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Antécédent carcinologique personnel ou familial Date de diagnostic Date de diagnostic C12
Antécédent carcinologique personnel ou familial Code Localisation Code Localisation C13
Antécédent carcinologique personnel ou familial Code Morphologie / Lésion Code Morphologie / Lésion C14

Evénement tumoral

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Evénement tumoral Type Type C15
Evénement tumoral Date de début de l'évènement Date de début de l'évènement C16
Evénement tumoral Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status C17
Evénement tumoral Outil de dépistage G8 Outil de dépistage G8 C18
Evénement tumoral T T C19
Evénement tumoral N N C20
Evénement tumoral M M C21
Evénement tumoral Version du TNM Version du TNM C22
Evénement tumoral Type de TNM Type de TNM C23
Evénement tumoral Date du diagnostic Date du diagnostic C24
Evénement tumoral Code Localisation Code Localisation C25
Evénement tumoral Code Morphologie / Lésion Code Morphologie / Lésion C26
Evénement tumoral Latéralité Latéralité C27


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Traitement Acte Acte C28
Traitement Type Type C29
Traitement Date de début Date de début C30
Traitement Date de fin Date de fin C31
Traitement Clinical trial (Yes No) Clinical trial (Yes No) C32

Traitement (Chirurgie)

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Traitement (Chirurgie) Qualité de la résection (anapath) Qualité de la résection (anapath) C33

Evénement indésirable

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Evénement indésirable Date Date C34
Evénement indésirable Date de fin Date de fin C35

Molécule Administrée

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Molécule Administrée Code molécule Code molécule C36

Echantillon biologique

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Echantillon biologique Id du prélèvement Id du prélèvement C37
Echantillon biologique Id de l'échantillon Id de l'échantillon C38
Echantillon biologique Date du prélèvement Date du prélèvement C39
Echantillon biologique Code Localisation Code Localisation C40
Echantillon biologique Nature de l'échantillon Nature de l'échantillon C41
Echantillon biologique Type de dérivé (si dérivé) Type de dérivé (si dérivé) C42
Echantillon biologique Mode de conservation Mode de conservation C43
Echantillon biologique % de cellules tumorales % de cellules tumorales C44

Primary tumor

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Primary tumor Date de début Date de début (primary)
Primary tumor Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status (primary)
Primary tumor Outil de dépistage G8 Outil de dépistage G8 (primary)
Primary tumor T T (primary)
Primary tumor N N (primary)
Primary tumor M M (primary)
Primary tumor Version du TNM Version du TNM (primary)
Primary tumor Type de TNM Type de TNM (primary)
Primary tumor Date du diagnostic Date du diagnostic (primary)
Primary tumor Code Localisation Code Localisation (primary)
Primary tumor Code Morphologie / Lésion Code Morphologie / Lésion (primary)
Primary tumor Latéralité Latéralité (primary)

Local recurence

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Local recurence Date de début Date de début (local recurence)
Local recurence Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status (local recurence)
Local recurence Outil de dépistage G8 Outil de dépistage G8 (local recurence)
Local recurence T T (local recurence)
Local recurence N N (local recurence)
Local recurence M M (local recurence)
Local recurence Version du TNM Version du TNM (local recurence)
Local recurence Type de TNM Type de TNM (local recurence)
Local recurence Date du diagnostic Date du diagnostic (local recurence)
Local recurence Code Localisation Code Localisation (local recurence)
Local recurence Code Morphologie / Lésion Code Morphologie / Lésion (local recurence)
Local recurence Latéralité Latéralité (local recurence)


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Metastasis Date de début Date de début (metastasis)
Metastasis Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status Echelle d'autonomie / Performance status (metastasis)
Metastasis Outil de dépistage G8 Outil de dépistage G8 (metastasis)
Metastasis T T (metastasis)
Metastasis N N (metastasis)
Metastasis M M (metastasis)
Metastasis Version du TNM Version du TNM (metastasis)
Metastasis Type de TNM Type de TNM (metastasis)
Metastasis Date du diagnostic Date du diagnostic (metastasis)
Metastasis Code Localisation Code Localisation (metastasis)
Metastasis Code Morphologie / Lésion Code Morphologie / Lésion (metastasis)
Metastasis Latéralité Latéralité (metastasis)


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Specimen SpecimenId SpecimenId O3 Genetic sample or derived product identifier


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Technology TechnicalProtocol TechnicalProtocol O6 Protocol used for the experiment
Technology PlatformName PlatformName O7 Technological platform name (provider followed by the platform name)
Technology PlatformAccession PlatformAccession O8 GEO Identifier of the platform
Technology DateOfExperiment DateOfExperiment O9 Date when the experiment was performed


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Panel PanelName PanelName O10 Name of the panel targeted by the experimental analysis (provider + name)


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Analysis AnalyticPipelineCode AnalyticPipelineCode O11 Identifier of the pipeline used into the analysis (unique in the center)

Experiment on specimen

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Experiment on specimen AlgorithmicCellularity AlgorithmicCellularity O12 Calculated percentage of tumor cells in sample
Experiment on specimen AlgorithmicPloïdy AlgorithmicPloïdy O13 Calculated number of sets of chromosomes in a cell of the sample

Experiment on specimen/CpyNb Quality filter

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Experiment on specimen/CpyNb Quality filter NumberOfBreakPoints NumberOfBreakPoints O14 Calculated number of break points in genomic profile

Alteration in specimen

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Alteration in specimen AlterationType AlterationType O15 General type of the detected genetic alteration (high level type)


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Validation ValidationType ValidationType O16 Type of validation of the detected alteration
Validation ValidationMethod ValidationMethod O17 Validation method depending on the type of validation
Validation ValidationStatus ValidationStatus O18 Validation status of the detected alteration


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Alteration Chromosome Chromosome O19 Chromosome containing the genetic finding
Alteration GenomicStart GenomicStart O20 Nucleotide location for start of genomic finding on the positive (+) genomics strand, 1-based
Alteration GenomicStop GenomicStop O21 Nucleotide location for end of genomic finding on the positive (+) genomic strand, 1-based
Alteration GenomeBuild GenomeBuild O22 Genome Build used for reference
Alteration Cytoband Cytoband O23 Cytogenetic location

Genome entity

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Genome entity GenomeEntityType GenomeEntityType O24 Type of the genome entity. For eg: gene, mRNA, ncRNA...
Genome entity GenomeEntityDatabase GenomeEntityDatabase O25 Database of the genome entity
Genome entity GenomeEntityId GenomeEntityId O26 Identifier of the genome entity in the genome entity database
Genome entity GeneSymbol GeneSymbol O27 Hugo gene symbol


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Fusion FusionType FusionType O28 Type of the fusion event. For eg: translocation, readthrough
Fusion FusionTranscript FusionTranscript O29 Have been found from a fusion transcript ?
Fusion FusionTranscriptReference FusionTranscriptReference O30 Accession number of observed fusion
Fusion GeneSymbol FusionGeneSymbol5prime O31 Gene symbol (HUGO) of the gene involved in the fusion on 5 prime end
Fusion FusionRegionName5prime FusionRegionName5prime O32 Human readable name for the region of interest from the 5 prime fusion partner. For eg : Exon, Intron
Fusion TranscriptReferenceSequenceId FusionTranscriptReferenceSequenceId5prime O33 Reference identifier for cDNA transcript of the 5 prime fusion partner, with version, from NCBI's RefSeq or ENSEMBL.
Fusion FusionStrand5prime FusionStrand5prime O34 Strand of the 5 prime fusion partner
Fusion FusionPoint5prime FusionPoint5prime O35 Position of the fusion point on the 5 prime partner
Fusion GeneSymbol FusionGeneSymbol3prime O36 Gene symbol (HUGO) of the gene involved in the fusion on 3 prime end
Fusion FusionRegionName3prime FusionRegionName3prime O37 Human readable name for the region of interest from the 3 prime fusion partner. For eg : Exon, Intron
Fusion TranscriptReferenceSequenceId FusionTranscriptReferenceSequenceId3prime O38 Reference identifier for cDNA transcript of the 3 prime fusion partner, with version, from NCBI's RefSeq or ENSEMBL.
Fusion FusionStrand3prime FusionStrand3prime O39 Strand of the 3 prime fusion partner
Fusion FusionPoint3prime FusionPoint3prime O40 Position of the fusion point on the 3 prime partner
Fusion FusionInFrame FusionInFrame O41 Specify whether the fusion is in frame

Fusion Analysis

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Fusion Analysis FusionAnnotationReferentiel FusionAnnotationReferentiel O42 Reference database to annotate the fusion
Fusion Analysis FusionAnnotationValue FusionAnnotationValue O43 Annotation of the fusion


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Fusion/QualityFilter FusionNbSpanningPair FusionNbSpanningPair O44 Number of reads pairs spanning the fusion
Fusion/QualityFilter FusionNbSplitReads FusionNbSplitReads O46 Number of split reads

Segment copy number

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Segment copy number SegmentIntensity SegmentIntensity O47 Intensity of the measured signal
Segment copy number SegmentGenomicStatus SegmentGenomicStatus O49 Copy number status
Segment copy number CopyNumber CopyNumber O50 Estimated DNA copy number

Segment LOH

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Segment LOH LossOfHeterozygosity LossOfHeterozygosity O51 Is the segment located in a region of loss of heterozygosity ? (can be independant from copy number information

Reference variant

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Reference variant ReferenceAllele ReferenceAllele O53 Plus strand reference allele at this position. Include the sequence deleted for a deletion, or "-" for an insertion.
Reference variant AlternativeAllele AlternativeAllele O54 Plus strand observed alternative allele at this position. Include the sequence inserted for a insertion, or "-" for a deletion.
Reference variant DNASequenceVariationType DNASequenceVariationType O55 Codified type of the DNA sequence variation
Reference variant VariationDatabase VariationDatabase O56 Name of the variation database
Reference variant VariationId VariationId O57 Identifier for variant in the variation database
Reference variant PfamDomain PfamDomain O58 Pfams domains related to alteration position
Reference variant PfamId PfamId O59 Identifier of Pfams domains related to alteration position
Reference variant MutationPredictionAlgorithm MutationPredictionAlgorithm O63 Algorithm to predict the variation effect over the protein
Reference variant MutationPredictionValue MutationPredictionValue O64 Prediction of the variation effect over the protein
Reference variant MutationPredictionScore MutationPredictionScore O65 Level of confidence of the prediction of the variation effect over the protein
Reference variant DNARegionName DNARegionName O66 Human readable name for the region of interest related to the transcript (eg: exon1, intron1, UTR3')


ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Protein ProteinReferenceDatabase ProteinReferenceDatabase O67 Name of the protein reference database
Protein ProteinReferenceSequenceId ProteinReferenceSequenceId O68 Reference identifier of the protein transcript

Exonic variant

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Exonic variant TranscriptReferenceDatabase TranscriptReferenceDatabase O69 Name of the sequence reference database
Exonic variant TranscriptReferenceSequenceId TranscriptReferenceSequenceId O70 Reference identifier of the transcript
Exonic variant DNASequenceVariation DNASequenceVariation O71 HGVS nomenclature on the chosen transcript
Exonic variant AminoAcidChange AminoAcidChange O72 HGVS nomenclature on the chosen protein transcript
Exonic variant GenomicSequenceVariation GenomicSequenceVariation O73 HGVS nomenclature on the given GenomeReferenceSequenceId.
Exonic variant RNASequenceVariation RNASequenceVariation O74 HGVS nomenclature on the given TranscriptReferenceSequenceId and experimentely observed on RNA.
Exonic variant AminoAcidChangeType AminoAcidChangeType O75 HGVS nomenclature of changes at protein-level

Variant in specimen

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Variant in specimen PositionCoverage PositionCoverage O76 Total coverage at the variant position observed in the specimen
Variant in specimen VariantCoverage VariantCoverage O77 Coverage of the alternative allele at the variant position observed in the specimen
Variant in specimen StrandBias StrandBias O78 Indication of the existence of strand bias at the variant position
Variant in specimen GenomicSourceClass GenomicSourceClass O79 Genomic class of the variant (eg: germline, somatic, and prenatal)
Variant in specimen AllelicState AllelicState O80 Level of allelic occurrence of a DNA Sequence Variation
Variant in specimen MolecularTumorBoardConclusion MolecularTumorBoardConclusion O81 Conclusion of the biologist on the pathogenicity of the variant before the Molecular Tumor Board
Variant in specimen ClinicalTumorBoardConclusion ClinicalTumorBoardConclusion O82 Conclusion of the clinicians wether the variant is actionable or not during the Molecular Tumor Board
Variant in specimen ProposedForOrientation ProposedForOrientation O83 Is the ClinicalTumorBoardConclusion used to orient the treatment decision ?

Gene expression

ObjectClass ObjectProperty DataElementConcept IdDataElementConcept DataElementConceptDefFR DataElementConceptDefEN
Gene expression ExpressionDataType ExpressionDataType O84 Type of the expression value corresponding to the level of data processing
Gene expression ExpressionValue ExpressionValue O85 Numerical value for expression
Gene expression ExpressionPvalue ExpressionPvalue O86 p-value of the dataset comparison through a statistical method
Gene expression ExpressionPvalueAdjustmentMethod ExpressionPvalueAdjustmentMethod O87 Method used to adjust the nominal value of the p-value when multiple tests are performed in parallel
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