Releases: ImageEngine/cortex
Releases · ImageEngine/cortex
Version 8.0.0 alpha 17
- Added support for ri:areaLight parameter to IECoreRI
- Fixed bug when loading CoordinateSystems in Houdini
Version 8.0.0 alpha 16
- Fixed bug in SceneShape compute which prevented drawing on file open/import
- Added ForceObjects parameter to SceneCache ROP (to force what is expanded and what is a link)
- Added a ParticleSystem when converting PointsPrimitives to Houdini
- Fixed point doubling bug with SceneCache SOP loading a PointsPrimitive
- Fixed bug when writing multiple frames of re-rooted scenes
- Fixed HoudiniScene bugs for flattened geometry (SOPs with gaps in the geo hierarchy can now be cached)
- SceneCache tagFilter supports SceneInterfaces with no tags
Version 8.0.0 alpha 15
- Added Parameter::setPresets and getPresets.
- Improved precision of CameraController operations
- Default ParticleReader uses floats (#69)
- Fixed MurmurHash bug where empty strings had no effect on a hash
- Added Shader::csParameter() for constant time access to "Cs"
- Fixed bug with superimposed instances
- Fixed potential bug in Selector::loadIDShader()
- Fixed state leak for immediate renders
- Fixed PointsPrimitive selection and coloring
- Implemented per-vertex Cs for PointsPrimitive.
- Fixed erroneous compute on SceneShape outputObjects
- Fixed tests for Maya 2014
- Added a Cache Manager for the Cortex ObjectPool (#40)
- SceneCache ROP allows caching of un-named top level geo (uses the OBJ node name)
- Fixed time dependency issues with SceneCache SOP and OBJs
- OBJ SceneCache nodes expose their transform via expressions (see Output tab)
- Expanding and SOP cooking are now interrupt-able using the escape key
- Improvements for expanding SceneCaches in Houdini
- Expanded nodes are now connected to the subnet indirect inputs
- Expanded nodes are placed using Houdini's layout automation
- File parms channel reference their parent
- Path parms channel reference their parent (when appropriate)
- New Push Parms button updates the filters and geometry type throughout the expanded hierarchy (no need to collapse). Note that this does not take hierarchy changes into account, just parameter values.
- FromHoudiniGroupConverter ignores internal groups
- Fixed compatibility issues with Houdini 12.1 (introduced in a14)
- Declared TypeId range
- Added support for TCL expressions on SceneCacheReader
- Fixed a few bugs with SceneCacheReader
- Fixed TypeId range so it doesn't conflict with IECoreHoudini
- Houdini 12.5 compatibility
Version 8.0.0 alpha 14
- IECore :
- Modified BasicPreset so it works with parameters derived from CompoundParameter
- Added ObjectPool and ComputationCache classes for providing a unified cache mechanism for cortex objects (used in SceneCache and CachedReader).
- Removed ModelCache class (SceneInterface and SceneCache replaces that entirely).
- IECoreMaya :
- Using the newly added GL lambert shader in the maya GL preview.
- Added geometry snapping to the SceneShape
- Optimization on the SceneShape by copying previously rendered GL groups at link locations.
- IECoreHoudini :
- Added support for Cortex loaded geometry in the SceneCache reader.
- IECoreGL :
- IECoreGL::ToGLTextureConverter option to add missing channels.
- Removed IECoreGL dependency on GLUT
- Replaced OpenGL 3 function calls with their 2.1 extensions
- Added a standard lambert shader to IECoreGL::Shader
- Fixes in Selector object and making it revert state when destroyed.
- IECoreRI :
- Deprecated 3delight hack
Version 8.0.0 alpha 13
- General :
- Ubuntu compilation issues.
- IECore :
- SceneCache changed to store samples index as a IndexedIO::Directory which is loaded once as opposed to a integer value. Improved performance on large environments.
- Improvements and bug fixes in LinkedScene associated to the usage of tags and the link attribute. The link attributes are now separated and can be queried in readers such as SceneShape to obtain the actual file,location and the time.
- Adding constructor for InternedString that accepts a signed 64bit integer for quick conversion from numbers to strings. Used in SceneCache.
- IECoreMaya :
- Several improvements on the SceneShape node (SceneShapeInterface) and bug fixes.
- IECoreGL :
- Reverting some optimizations done in the convertion of Meshes to IECoreGL which were not really effective.