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Input Specification

Simeon Simeonoff edited this page Mar 21, 2025 · 15 revisions

Input Specification


  1. Overview
  2. User Stories
  3. Functionality
  4. Accessibility & ARIA Support
  5. References

The igc-input component provides an interactive way to accept data from the user; It supports wide variety of data types. The igc-input is one of the most robust and powerful components due to the complex combination of data types and attributes it supports.


  • As a developer, I want to add an input of different HTML input types(date, datetime-local, email, month, number, password, search, tel, text, time, url, week) so that the user can enter different types of information in the app.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to provide a name so that the input field is identifiable in the context of a web form.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set a value so that the input field can be programmatically initialized or updated.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set min so that I can restrict the minimum value of the input.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set max so that I can restrict the maximum value of the input.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set minlength so that I can restrict the minimum length of the input value.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set maxlength so that I can restrict the maximum length of the input value.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set multiple so that I can allow for more than one file to be uploaded at a time.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set accept so that I can restrict what file types can be uploaded.
  • As a developer, I want to add a required attribute so that the input field becomes mandatory.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set the input as disabled so that the input field value couldn't be modified or interacted with.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set the input as readonly so that the input field value couldn't be modified but can still be focusable and/or interacted with.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to provide a pattern so that the input field value can be validated against specific criteria.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set the input as invalid so that I can deterministically mark a field as invalid.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set the autocomplete attribute so that the field can suggest previously entered values like emails, phone numbers, passwords, etc.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set the step attribute so that numeric fields can be incremented by a specified amount.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to set the autofocus attribute so that the field can become focused on initial page load.
  • As a developer, I want to add a label so that the user would know what to enter and easily differentiate between several inputs placed on the same page.
  • As a developer, I want to add a placeholder so that the user has an example of the expected input value. A placeholder can be used without or with a label.
  • As a developer, I want to add a prefix and/or suffix content so that I can make compound, padded input fields comprised of icons and text.
  • As a developer, I want to add a helper text (left or/and right aligned) so that the user would have more details and updates (hints/errors) about this field.
  • As a developer, I want to have states and corresponding design styles (enabled: idle & empty, hover, press, focus, idle & filled, error, disabled, read-only, valid/invalid, empty/filled) applied to all input parts (label, placeholder, helper text, prefix, suffix, etc.) so that the user would know the state of the input and act accordingly.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to make the prefix and suffix actionable so that the user can further interact with them.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to programmatically select all or some characters of the input value so that I can extract the exact information I need based on the constraints I have.
  • As a developer, I want to be able to alter between filled and outlined styles for material-styled inputs so that I can have differently styled material inputs.

End user:

  • As an end user, I want to enter characters in a field so that I can provide data to a web form or other parts of an application.
  • As an end user, I want to have a visual indicator, such as outline so that I will know which input field is currently on focus.
  • As an end user, I want to have different visual states so that I know how to interact with the input field.
  • As an end user, I want to have a label so that I can identify the input.
  • As an end user, I want to have see helper text so that I get updates about my input such as counters, error/success messages, etc.
  • As an end user, I want to have an asterisk glyph in the label so that I would know that the input is required.
  • As an end user, I want to have prefix and/or suffix in the input so that I would have more context.
  • As an end user, I want to have the actionable prefix and/or suffix in the input so that I can perform quick action on the input (example: clear input suffix icon).

An input is a text field where users enter specific information of different data types. The inputs can be validated. Helper text, placeholders, and visual states can be updated accordingly upon string input/interaction and data can be submitted.

3.1 API

3.1.1 Properties

You should be able to configure the igc-input by setting its properties:

Name Description Type Default value Reflected
name Sets the name of the input field. string - false
value Sets the value of the input field. string - false
type Sets the checked state of the type of the input field. 'email', 'number', 'password', 'search', 'tel', 'text', 'url', 'file' text false
disabled Sets the disabled state of the input field. Boolean false true
readonly Sets the input field as read-only. Boolean false true
required Sets the required state of the input field. Boolean false true
invalid Sets the validity of the input. Boolean false true
pattern Pattern to validate the input against. string - false
minlength The minimum length of the input value. number - false
maxlength The maximum length of the input value. number - false
min The minimum value of the input. string / number - false
max The maximum value of the input. string / number - false
step Increments the input by the specified value. number - false
files Returns the selected files when input type is 'file'. FileList / null null false
multiple Allows selection of than one file when input is of type file. Boolean false false
accept Sets the file types as a list of comma-separated values. string - false
autocomplete The autocomplete attribute of the input. string - false
autofocus Automatically focuses the input on page load. Boolean false false
label Sets the label of the input field. string - false
placeholder Sets the placeholder of the input field. string - false
outlined Sets material-themed inputs to outlined style mode. Boolean false true
validateOnly Enables validation rules to be evaluated without restricting user input. This applies to the maxLength property for string-type inputs or allows spin buttons to exceed the predefined min/max limits for number-type inputs. boolean false true
3.1.2 Events

The igc-input emits the following events:

Name Description Type
igcFocus Emitted when the input field gains focus. -
igcBlur Emitted when the input field loses focus. -
igcChange Emitted when the input field changes its checked state. -
igcInput Emitted when the input field receives input. -
3.1.3 Methods

The igc-input exposes the following methods:

Name Description Arguments
focus Sets the input on focus. options: FocusOptions
blur Removes the focus from the input -
reportValidity Checks for validity and shows a validation message if the component is invalid. -
setCustomValidity Sets a custom validation message. If the message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid. message: string
select Select all text in the input. -
setRangeText Replaces the selected range of text with a new value. -
setSelectionRange Sets the start and end position of the text selection. selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, [selectionDirection]
stepUp Increments the value of a numeric input by one or by the specified number of units. -
stepDown Decrements the value of a numeric input by one or by the specified number of units. -
3.1.4 Slots
Name Description
prefix The prefix slot.
suffix The suffix slot.
helper-text The helper-text slot.
file-selector-text Renders content for the browse button when input type is file.
file-missing-text Renders content when input type is file and no file is chosen.
value-missing Renders content when the required validation fails.
type-mismatch Renders content when the a type url/email input pattern validation fails.
pattern-mismatch Renders content when the pattern validation fails.
too-long Renders content when the maxlength validation fails.
too-short Renders content when the minlength validation fails.
range-overflow Renders content when the max validation fails.
range-underflow Renders content when the min validation fails.
step-mismatch Renders content when the step validation fails.
custom-error Renders content when setCustomValidity(message) is set.
invalid Renders content when the component is in invalid state (validity.valid = false).
3.1.5 CSS Parts
Name Description
container The main wrapper that holds all main input elements.
input The native input element.
label The native label element.
file-names The file names wrapper when input type is 'file'.
file-selector-button The browse button when input type is 'file'.
prefix The prefix wrapper.
suffix The suffix wrapper.
helper-text The helper text wrapper.

The encapsulated native input is the de facto focusable and interactive element. The input can be labeled using the label attribute, which utilizes the native <label> element to provide a semantically correct label that is fully accessible.

Minimum Acceptance Criteria

  1. Have input that is focusable.
  2. Handle events like blur, focus, change, and input.
  3. Have input that provides a way to type characters.
  4. Have prefix**/-input/**-suffix options.
  5. Provide label, hint text, placeholder.
  6. Corresponding styles, animations and interactions (as per the material design guidelines).

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