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Calendar Specification
- Overview
- User Stories
- Functionality
- Test Scenarios
- Accessibility
- Assumptions and Limitations
- References
Team: Codex
Developer: Diyan Dimitrov
Designer Name
- Peer Developer Name | Date:
- Design Manager: Stefan Ivanov | Date:
- Product Owner: Radoslav Mirchev | Date:
- Platform Architect: Radoslav Karaivanov | Date:
Version | Users | Date | Notes |
1 | Diyan Dimitrov | 05-Aug-2021 | Initial version |
2 | Radoslav Karaivanov | 08-Mar-2023 | Updated active date with selection behavior |
3 | Radoslav Karaivanov | 2024-09-25 | Added header-date slot |
component lets users to select a date value in variety of different ways. Users can select a single date, multiple dates or pick a range of dates.
Provide igc-calendar
component that supports the following features:
- display date information
- select a single date
- select multiple dates
- select multiple days in more than one month
- pick a range of dates
- pick a range of dates spanning more than one month
- display week numbers
- provide localization capabilities
- provide date formatting capabilities
- format views
- provide keyboard navigation
Must-have before we can consider the feature a sprint candidate
- ...
Developer stories:
Story 1: As a developer, I want to implement a single selection capability, so that I give users the option to select a date for certain action.
Story 2: As a developer, I want to implement multiple date selection capability.
Story 3: As a developer, I want to implement a range date selection capability.
Story 4: As a developer, I want to implement a localization and formatting capability.
Story 5: As a developer, I want to implement a capability to add customized dates display that also will change the locale representation based on the user location.
Story 6: As a developer, I want to implement "disabled" dates capability, so that I give users the option to set the calendar to display all past dates or future dates as disabled. Create two inputs
that will receive array of DateRangeDescriptors. -
Story 7: As a developer, I want to be able to change the current view date and selected dates programmatically.
Story 8: As a developer, I want to configure the number of months visible in days views, so that I give users the ability to select multiple or range dates in a single screen/operation.
Story 9: As a developer, I want to specify vertical or horizontal orientation of multiple months displayed in days view.
Story 10: As a developer, I want to implement "hidden" dates capability, so that I give users the option to hide the dates that do not belong to the current month. The non-current month days will always be hidden if there is more than 1 month displayed in days view.
Story 11: As a developer, I want to be able to show/hide week numbers via boolean property type.
Story 12: As a developer, I want to specify whether the calendar has a header which shows the current selected date/dates. The header is displayed only for single and multiple selection modes.
Story 13: As a developer, I want to be able to change the title of the header.
Story 14: As a developer, I want to specify vertical or horizontal orientation of the calendar header.
Story 13: As a developer, I want to specify the first day of week.
End-user stories:
- Story 1: As an end-user, I want the calendar to be responsive, so that I can get calendar layout on:
- desktop environment
- tablet-size touch environment
- phone-size touch environment
- Story 2: As an end-user, I want the calendar to be touch-friendly so that I can select and navigate to different dates and months on touch-only environment.
- Story 3: As an end-user, I want the capability to select range of dates in order to define a multi-day selection.
- Story 4: As an end-user, I want the calendar to control the locale used for formatting and displaying the dates in the calendar.
- Story 5: As an end-user, I want the calendar to control the date-time components in formatted output.
- Story 6: As an end-user, I want the calendar to have different calendar views.
- Story 7: As an end-user, I want the calendar to have "disabled" dates, e.g. past-dates, single dates, holidays.
- Story 8: As an end-user, I want to be able to keep track of the number of the weeks, visualized as a first column in the days-view display.
Describe behavior, design, look and feel of the implemented feature. Always include visual mock-up
3.1. End-User Experience
- Font color: grays.500
- Background color: grays.200
- Background roundness: 4px
3.2. Developer Experience
The first week is determined according to the ISO 8601
3.3. Globalization/Localization
Describe any special localization requirements such as the number of localizable strings, regional formats
3.4. Keyboard Navigation
We follow the Active element navigation
methodology. This pattern reduces the number of tab stops within the interface to a minimum of five stops:
- Previous month button
- Month selection button
- Year selection button
- Next month button
- Active date (the current date or the last date that was navigated using the keyboard)
Note: Keep in mind that based on the enabled features and calendar views (Multi-view calendar), the tab stops will be increased.
- If an initial active date is set the component will abide by it regardless of any value(s) set.
- If no initial active date is set and no value(s) are set, the component active date will default to the current date.
- If no initial active date is set but there are value(s) set, the component will set the active date as follows:
- when selection mode is single: set the active date to the value date;
- when selection mode is multiple: set the active date to the first date of the value collection;
- when selection mode is range: set the active date to the start of the date range;
- The tabbable elements are the
Navigation buttons*
and the active date. - If Multi-view is set, the navigation will go through all available
Navigation buttons*
for each calendar view.
Only the Calendar body is navigable with the arrow keys, as well as the Month and Year view. Use enter to perform day, month, and year selection.
- The disabled dates won't be skipped on arrow keys navigation, but they can't be selected.
- Week numbers and weekday labels are not navigable with the arrow keys.
- Arrow keys navigation is used for the
Month view
andYear view
component. UseEnter key
to select a month/year.
- Navigation buttons - the buttons part of the top calendar view - Previous/next month/year/years button, Month selection button, Year selection button
Keys | Description |
PageUp | Moves to the previous month/s view |
PageDown | Moves to the next month/s view |
SHIFT + PageUp | Moves to the previous year |
SHIFT + PageDown | Moves to the next year |
Home | Focuses the first day of the current month that is in view (or earliest month when more than one month view is displayed) |
End | Focuses the last day of the current month that is in view. (or latest month when more than one month view is displayed) |
Keys | Description |
↑ / ↓ / ← / → | Navigates through the days in the month |
ENTER | Selects the currently focused day |
↑ / ↓ / ← / → | Moves to next/previous month after navigating from first/last day in current month when more than one month view is displayed |
→ / ↓ | Navigating next from the last month will shift the months in the view by one, and focus will stay on the last month in the view. |
← / ↑ | Navigating back from the first month will shift the months in the view by one, and focus will stay in the first view. |
3.5. API
Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
activeDate |
active-date |
Date |
Sets the date which is shown in view and is highlighted. By default it is the current date. | |
activeView |
active-view |
"days" | "months" | "years" |
"days" | The active view. |
disabledDates |
DateRangeDescriptor[] |
Gets/sets disabled dates. | ||
formatOptions |
Pick<DateTimeFormatOptions, "month" | "weekday"> |
{"month":"long","weekday":"narrow"} | The options used to format the months and the weekdays in the calendar views. | |
headerOrientation |
header-orientation |
"vertical" | "horizontal" |
"horizontal" | The orientation of the header. |
hideHeader |
hide-header |
boolean |
false | Determines whether the calendar hides its header. Even if set to false, the header is not displayed for multiple selection. |
hideOutsideDays |
hide-outside-days |
boolean |
false | Controls the visibility of the dates that do not belong to the current month. |
locale |
locale |
string |
"en" | Sets the locale used for formatting and displaying the dates in the calendar. |
orientation |
orientation |
"vertical" | "horizontal" |
"horizontal" | The orientation of the multiple months displayed in days view. |
resourceStrings |
IgcCalendarResourceStrings |
{"selectMonth":"Select month","selectYear":"Select year","selectDate":"Select date","selectRange":"Select range","selectedDate":"Selected date","startDate":"Start","endDate":"End","previousMonth":"Previous month","nextMonth":"Next month","previousYear":"Previous year","nextYear":"Next year","previousYears":"Previous {0} years","nextYears":"Next {0} years","weekLabel":"Wk"} | The resource strings. | |
selection |
selection |
"single" | "multiple" | "range" |
"single" | Sets the type of date selection. |
showWeekNumbers |
show-week-numbers |
boolean |
false | Show/hide the week numbers. |
size |
size |
"small" | "medium" | "large" |
"large" | Determines the size of the component. |
specialDates |
DateRangeDescriptor[] |
Gets/sets special dates. | ||
value |
value |
Date | undefined |
Тhe current value of the calendar. Used when selection is set to single. |
values |
values |
Date[] | undefined |
Тhe current values of the calendar. Used when selection is set to multiple or range. |
visibleMonths |
visible-months |
number |
1 | The number of months displayed in days view. |
weekStart |
week-start |
"sunday" | "monday" | "tuesday" | "wednesday" | "thursday" | "friday" | "saturday" |
"sunday" | Sets the start day of the week. |
Event | Description |
igcChange |
Emitted when calendar changes its value. |
Name | Description |
title | Renders the title of the calendar header. |
header-date | Renders content instead of the current date/range in the calendar header. |
Name | Description |
header | The header element. |
header-title | The header title element. |
header-date | The header date element. |
content | The content element which contains the views and navigation elements. |
navigation | The navigation container element. |
months-navigation | The months navigation button element. |
years-navigation | The years navigation button element. |
years-range | The years range element. |
navigation-buttons | The navigation buttons container. |
navigation-button | Previous/next navigation button. |
days-view-container | The days view container element. |
days-view | Days view element. |
months-view | The months view element. |
years-view | The years view element. |
days-row | Days row element. |
label | Week header label element. |
week-number | Week number element. |
week-number-inner | Week number inner element. |
date | Date element. |
date-inner | Date inner element. |
first | The first selected date element. |
last | The last selected date element. |
inactive | Inactive date element. |
hidden | Hidden date element. |
weekend | Weekend date element. |
range | Range selected element. |
special | Special date element. |
disabled | Disabled date element. |
single | Single selected date element. |
preview | Range selection preview date element. |
month | Month element. |
month-inner | Month inner element. |
year | Year element. |
year-inner | Year inner element. |
selected | Indicates selected state. Applies to date, month and year elements. |
current | Indicates current state. Applies to date, month and year elements. |
Verify a proper calendar model:
- 2021 September with first day set to Sunday.
- 2021 September with first day set to Sunday and extra week.
- 2021 September with first day set to Friday.
- Leap year tests.
Verify correct using of utility functions - leap year, timedelta, monthRange
Rendering of the calendar
- Renders a calendar component successfully.
- Setting calendar properties
- Set multiple
and verify the count. - Verify
property is set correctly. - Verify calendar
is set correctly. - Verify
is set correctly. - Verify
property is set correctly. - Verify week day and month format is set correctly
- Set multiple
- Properly render calendar DOM structure , year view, month view, day view
- Multi View Calendar
- Component Should render properly when using monthsViewNumber property.
- Component Should render properly when using hideOutside days property.
- Should be able to change hideOutsideDays and monthsViewNumber runtime.
- Verify headerOrientation can be vertical when monthsViewNumber is set.
- Verify calendar can be vertical when monthsViewNumber is set.
Calendar header
- Verify show/hide calendar header.
- Change calendar header title.
- Verify calendar header orientation is set correctly.
Verify calendar select interactions
- Single selection
- Multiple selections
- Range selections
Should persist the focus when select date in the (next/prev) month.
Should change the focus when select date in the (next/prev) month, when multiple month views are displayed.
Disable dates
- Verify dates are disabled for each DateRangeType - Before, After, Between, Specific, Weekdays, Weekends.
- Verify date is disabled when Between DateRangeType is used with the same date items. Example [new Date(2021, 9, 23), new Date(2021, 9, 23)].
- Verify date range is disabled when Between DateRangeType is used with dates in switched order. Example [new Date(2021, 9, 28), new Date(2021, 9, 22)];
- Verify overlapping ranges; Overlapping ranges should be merged.
- Verify disable/enable whole year, month and week.
- Verify disable/enable ranges across two years.
- Multi View Calendar Selection
- Selecting/Deselecting a date from a month view in multi selection should also select/deselect the date in another view that displays this date.
- When selection is multi and selecting dates should not create a range.
- Should change days view when selecting an outside day.
- Verify that disabled dates cannot be selected when selection is single, range or multi.
Verify Keyboard navigation interactions
Arrow key navigation:
↑ / ↓ / ← / →
Multi View Calendar KB Navigation
- Scenario 1: Should open years view, navigate through and select an year via KB, new month Should come at correct position.
- Scenario 2: Should open months view, navigate through and select a month via KB, new month Should come at correct position.
- Scenario 3: Should navigate to the first enabled date from the previous visible month when using
Arrow Key Up
. - Scenario 4: Should navigate to the first enabled date from the previous visible month when using
Arrow Key Left
. - Scenario 5: Should navigate to the first enabled date from the previous invisible month when using
Arrow Key Up
. - Scenario 6: Should navigate to the first enabled date from the previous invisible month when using
Arrow Key Left
. - Scenario 7: Should navigate to the first enabled date from the next visible month when using
Arrow Key Down
. - Scenario 8: Should navigate to the first enabled date from the next invisible month when using
Arrow Key Down
. - Scenario 9: Should navigate to the first enabled date from the next visible month when using
Arrow Key Right
. - Scenario 10: Should navigate to the first enabled date from the next invisible month when using
Arrow Key Right
. - Scenario 11: Should preserve the active date on (shift)
Page Up
andPage Down
. - Scenario 12: When clicking on year/month in the picker, new month should come at the corresponding position, not first
Shift + Tab
goes to arrow next element after last visible day - Scenario 13:
Page Up
+Page Up
/Page Down
+Page Down
changes the view twice, does not lose focus after first change
- Verify
event is emitted when day is selected. - Verify
event is emitted when active date is changed. - Verify
event is emitted when date range is set. - Verify
event is emitted when selected date is not in the current selected month.
ARIA Support
RTL Support
Assumptions | Limitation Notes |
Specify all referenced external sources