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View Models

Dustin Catap edited this page Jun 19, 2024 · 2 revisions

View Models contains the state of your view.

class HomeViewModel extends ViewModel {
  final ValueNotifier<int> _count = ValueNotifier(0);

  ValueListenable<int> get count => _count;

  void increment() => _count.value++;

Initialization and Disposal

You can implement the following interfaces to perform initialization and disposal logic in your view model.


Implement the interface Initializable, which provides the onInitialize method. This method is called after the view model is created.

class HomeViewModel implements Initializable {
  Future<void> onInitialize(Object? args) async {
    // perform initialization logic here
  • args is an optional parameter that can be passed when navigating. To know how to extract parameters passed during navigation, read about it here.


  • onInitialize is marked as Future<void>, so you can perform asynchronous operations for initialization. But this method is unawaited when called from the ViewModelBuilder or AutoViewModelBuilder. This means that the UI will not wait for the initialization to complete before rendering. Be sure to handle such cases.


Implement the interface FirstRenderable, which provides the onFirstRender method. This method is called after the view model is created and the view is rendered for the first time.

class HomeViewModel implements FirstRenderable {
  Future<void> onFirstRender() {
    // perform logic here


Implement the interface Disposable, which provides the dispose method. This method is called when the view of the view model is removed from the widget tree.

class HomeViewModel implements Disposable {
  void dispose() {
    // perform disposal logic here

Observer Mixins

You can observe app lifecycle changes and route changes by mixing in the following observer mixins.


You can mix AppLifeCycleAwareMixin to your ViewModel class. It implements the WidgetsBindingObserver.

You can observe app lifecylce changes by overriding any the following:

Future<void> onAppPaused() {
  // do something when app is paused

Future<void> onAppResumed() {
  // do something when app is resumed

Future<void> onAppInactive() {
  // do something when app is inactive

Future<void> onAppDetached() {
  // do something when app is detached

Future<void> onAppHidden() {
  // do something when app is hidden


You can mix RouteAwareMixin to your ViewModel class. It implements the RouteAware.

You can observe route changes by overriding the following:

Future<void> didPop() {
  // do something when the current route has been popped

Future<void> didPush() {
  // do something when the current route has been pushed

Future<void> didPopNext() {
  // do something when the current route is visible after the previous route has been popped

Future<void> didPushNext() {
  // do something when the current route is no longer visible after the new route has been pushed