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Dependency Injection

Dustin Catap edited this page Jun 19, 2024 · 2 revisions

Since Flutter does not support reflection (dart:mirrors), the project uses injectable as our dependency injection and service locator.


get_it is used as the IoC container of the project.

injectable is used with get_it to generate code for your dependency registrations.


Registration is called before running the application, as show here in our main.dart:

void main() {

The class MyServiceImpl is annotated with @LazySingleton, meaning this class will only be initialized (once and only when needed) when resolving MyService.

import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';

abstract class MyService{}

@LazySingleton(as: MyService)
class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {}


  • Use the snippet shortcut dep to create an abstract and concrete classes similar above.


Given that you registered AppLogger:

import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';

abstract class AppLogger{
  void log(String message);

@LazySingleton(as: AppLogger)
class AppLoggerImpl implements AppLogger {
  void log(String message) => /* do logging */;

You can resolve a dependency using the ServiceLocator.instance:

Future<void> main() async {
  // register first

  // resolve
  final appLogger = ServiceLocator.instance<AppLogger>();
  appLogger.log('Hello World');