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Custom Cinderhearth Recipes

DaFuqs edited this page Jul 22, 2024 · 9 revisions

The Cinderhearth is in it's core an advanced Blast Furnace, powered by Ink. It also utilizes it's own recipe type to allow the smelting of even more, mostly magical, materials.

Cinderhearth Smelting


Entry Type Default Description
group string empty A string that represents a recipe group. Recipes with a common group will only trigger a single unlock popup, if multiple are unlocked at once. Add a localization string "recipeGroup.spectrum.<<your_group_string>>" so the toast popup is properly localized
secret boolean false If true, the recipe will never be listed in recipe listing mods, like REI
required_advancement advancement_identifier empty The advancement a player needs to have to be able to see this recipe. Spectrum will automatically show a toast to the player when this advancement has been unlocked and reached the set tier
ingredient ingredient The ingredient that get's smelted
time integer The time it takes for a single smelting process
experience float How much experience should be granted for a single smelted item
results list of items + counts + nbts + chance Output item stacks. Supports NBT. Chance is a float between 0-1. >3 entries will work, but look weird in recipe viewers & the Guidebook

Ink Effects

The Cinderhearth needs Orange Ink to function. Other types of Ink modify the way it works:

  • Orange: Main Smelting Power
  • Light Blue: Multiplying Output
  • Purple: Increases the amount of XP collected into a Knowledge Gem
  • Magenta: Drastically increases Speed

Example: Smelting Pure Iron

  "type": "spectrum:cinderhearth",
  "ingredient": {
    "item": "spectrum:pure_iron"
  "time": 800,
  "experience": 1.0,
  "results": [
      "item": "minecraft:iron_ingot",
      "count": 2,
      "chance": 1.0
      "item": "minecraft:iron_nugget",
      "count": 3,
      "chance": 0.2
      "item": "minecraft:iron_block",
      "count": 1,
      "chance": 0.05
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