Top level repo for BCI Graspit Project
- See the
file for a list of these.
The following is the procedure to set up the workspace for the Shape Completion project.
- Install ROS and Graspit dependencies.
- Clone this repository into your workspace.
git clone
cd graspit_bci_ws/src
- Run wstool update. This will clone all the other dependent repositories listed in the .rosinstall file into that workspace
wstool update
- Initialize the ROS workspace
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
cd src
- Change the version of graspIt! to the bci project version it only has small changes, a new world file and default configurations for building.
cd /src/grasit-ros/graspit
rm -rf graspit_source
git clone graspit_source
- Build project:
cd graspit_bci_ws
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
- run project:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch graspit_bci_plugin ros_graspit_interface.launch