a suite of applications for Neutron x-y data acquisition and processing using charm and mesytec hardware at the FRM2
linux and windows currently supported.
charm: cmd line application for control of mesytec and charm hardware using the udp protocol. Real-time visualization of histograms either raw or binned. Main purpose is the initial setup and testing of the detector and settings.
entangle-charming: charm functionality within the entangle device server framework. The charm functionality is implemented in a shared library to be used by python. Additionally full fault recovery is integrated and arbitrary polygon ROI (region of interests) can be defined for Neutron event counting.
entangle-install-charming: helper program to install the entangle-charming devices support to entangle.
entangle-install-iseg-CC2x: helper program to install iseg HV power supply support to entangle
charm-mesytec-emulator: helper program to emulate a real mesytec or charm device generating random data and supporting the same udp commands as the real hardware.
nicos-install-charming: helper program to install support for entangle-charming in NICOS
compiled binaries can be found in [CHARMing binaries] (https://github.com/zweistein-frm2/CHARMing_binaries)