Easy to use interface for playing midi notes using Sound Font (extension sf2) in iOS.
To use:
Make sure you have added the AudioToolbox.framework to your project.
Pick a sf2 (soundfont 2.0) file that you like from online and add it into your project. Make sure that you add it to the bundle resources in Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources.
Then make an NSURL from the file and initialize the SoundGen class with it and a patch number:
NSURL *presetURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:@"SoundFontFile" ofType:@"sf2"]];
SoundGen *soundGen = [[SoundGen alloc] initWithSoundFontURL:presetURL patchNumber:5];
After this you can always reset your patch number or soundfont URL with:
[soundGen setSoundFontURL:newURL]
[soundGen setPatchNumber:patchNumber]
3 . Then to play/stop a midi note:
[soundGen playMidiNote:note velocity:velocity]
[soundGen stopPlayingMidiNote:note]
Cheers. I will try and comment and add sample project in the future!