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Github mirror of MediaWiki extension CirrusSearch - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing


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Temporary PHP7 elasticsearch fix for Mediawiki 1.26.2

Notice this is not recommend for production environment! Strongly suggest you wait till MW1.27 release and use new version extension.
Stop using this fix when MW 1.27 released!

What I did:
Download 1.26 stable extension relese from &

Use this version Elastica and put then under /wiki/extensions/Elastica/Elastica 

Modify /wiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/includes/Searcher.php to remove any Class that PHP7 does not support.

Now this extension barely work with Mediawiki 1.26.2 & Elasticsearch1.7.1 now.


MediaWiki extension: CirrusSearch

Get Elasticsearch up and running somewhere.  1.3.2 and above are all fine though soon it'll be 1.6+.

CirrusSearch still uses dynamic scripts. Its very close to not needing them any more - probably by
August 2015 it won't. Anyway, for now you'll have to reenable dynamic scripting in Elasticsearch. Do
that by adding the contents of the elasticsearch.yml file in this directory to the elasticsearch.yml
file that comes with your installation.

Place the CirrusSearch extension in your extensions directory.
Make sure you have the curl php library installed (sudo apt-get install php5-curl in Debian.)
You also need to install the Elastica MediaWiki extension.
Add this to LocalSettings.php:
 require_once( "$IP/extensions/Elastica/Elastica.php" );
 require_once( "$IP/extensions/CirrusSearch/CirrusSearch.php" );
 $wgDisableSearchUpdate = true;

Configure your search servers in LocalSettings.php if you aren't running Elasticsearch on localhost:
 $wgCirrusSearchServers = array( 'elasticsearch0', 'elasticsearch1', 'elasticsearch2', 'elasticsearch3' );
There are other $wgCirrusSearch variables that you might want to change from their defaults.

Now run this script to generate your elasticsearch index:
 php $MW_INSTALL_PATH/extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/updateSearchIndexConfig.php

Now remove $wgDisableSearchUpdate = true from LocalSettings.php.  Updates should start heading to Elasticsearch.

Next bootstrap the search index by running:
 php $MW_INSTALL_PATH/extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php --skipLinks --indexOnSkip
 php $MW_INSTALL_PATH/extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php --skipParse
Note that this can take some time.  For large wikis read "Bootstrapping large wikis" below.

Once that is complete add this to LocalSettings.php to funnel queries to ElasticSearch:
 $wgSearchType = 'CirrusSearch';

Bootstrapping large wikis
Since most of the load involved in indexing is parsing the pages in php we provide a few options to split the
process into multiple processes.  Don't worry too much about the database during this process.  It can generally
handle more indexing processes then you are likely to be able to spawn.

General strategy:
0.  Make sure you have a good job queue setup.  It'll be doing most of the work.  In fact, Cirrus won't work
well on large wikis without it.
1.  Generate scripts to add all the pages without link counts to the index.
2.  Execute them any way you like.
3.  Generate scripts to count all the links.
4.  Execute them any way you like.

Step 1:
In bash I do this:
 export PROCS=5 #or whatever number you want
 rm -rf cirrus_scripts
 mkdir cirrus_scripts
 mkdir cirrus_log
 pushd cirrus_scripts
 php extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php --queue --maxJobs 10000 --pauseForJobs 1000 \
    --skipLinks --indexOnSkip --buildChunks 250000 |
    sed -e 's/$/ | tee -a cirrus_log\/'$wiki'.parse.log/' |
    split -n r/$PROCS
 for script in x*; do sort -R $script > $ && rm $script; done

Step 2:
Just run all the scripts that step 1 made.  Best to run them in screen or something and in the directory above
cirrus_scripts.  So like this:
 bash cirrus_scripts/

Step 3:
In bash I do this:
 pushd cirrus_scripts
 rm *.sh
 php extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php --queue --maxJobs 10000 --pauseForJobs 1000 \
    --skipParse --buildChunks 250000 |
    sed -e 's/$/ | tee -a cirrus_log\/'$wiki'.parse.log/' |
    split -n r/$PROCS
 for script in x*; do sort -R $script > $ && rm $script; done

Step 4:
Same as step 2 but for the new scripts.  These scripts put more load on Elasticsearch so you might want to run
them just one at a time if you don't have a huge Elasticsearch cluster or you want to make sure not to cause load

If you don't have a good job queue you can try the above but lower the buildChunks parameter significantly and
remove the --queue parameter.

Handling elasticsearch outages
If for some reason in process updates to elasticsearch begin failing you can immediately
set "$wgDisableSearchUpdate = true;" in your LocalSettings.php file to
stop trying to update elasticsearch.  Once you figure out what is wrong with elasticsearch you
should turn those updates back on and then run the following:
php ./maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php --from <whenever the outage started in ISO 8601 format> --deletes
php ./maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php --from <whenever the outage started in ISO 8601 format>

The first command picks up all the deletes that occurred during the outage and
should complete quite quickly.  The second command picks up all the updates
that occurred during the outage and might take significantly longer.

CirrusSearch can leverage the PoolCounter extension to limit the number of concurrent searches to
elasticsearch.  You can do this by installing the PoolCounter extension and then configuring it in
LocalSettings.php like so:
 require_once( "$IP/extensions/PoolCounter/PoolCounterClient.php");
 // Configuration for standard searches.
 $wgPoolCounterConf[ 'CirrusSearch-Search' ] = array(
	'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
	'timeout' => 30,
	'workers' => 25,
	'maxqueue' => 50,
 // Configuration for prefix searches.  These are usually quite quick and
 // plentiful.
 $wgPoolCounterConf[ 'CirrusSearch-Prefix' ] = array(
	'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
	'timeout' => 10,
	'workers' => 50,
	'maxqueue' => 100,
 // Configuration for regex searches.  These are slow and use lots of resources
 // so we only allow a few at a time.
 $wgPoolCounterConf[ 'CirrusSearch-Regex' ] = array(
	'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
	'timeout' => 30,
	'workers' => 10,
	'maxqueue' => 10,
 // Configuration for funky namespace lookups.  These should be reasonably fast
 // and reasonably rare.
 $wgPoolCounterConf[ 'CirrusSearch-NamespaceLookup' ] = array(
		'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
		'timeout' => 10,
		'workers' => 20,
		'maxqueue' => 20,

If you have a version of the pool counter with Ie282b8486c7bad451fbc5fb9a8274c6e01a728a7
you can also enable per user request limits:
 // Each user (or remote IP) can only do 5 concurrent queries.
 $wgPoolCounterConf[ 'CirrusSearch-PerUser' ] = array(
	'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
	'timeout' => 0,
	'workers' => 5,
	'maxqueue' => 5,

When you upgrade there four possible cases for maintaining the index:
1.  You must update the index configuration and reindex from source documents.
2.  You must update the index configuration and reindex from already indexed documents.
3.  You must update the index configuration but no reindex is required.
4.  No changes are required.

If you must do (1) you have two options:
A.  Blow away the search index and rebuild it from scratch.  Marginally faster and uses less disk space on
in elasticsearch but empties the index entirely and rebuilds it so search will be down for a while:
 php updateSearchIndexConfig.php --startOver
 php forceSearchIndex.php

B.  Build a copy of the index, reindex to it, and then force a full reindex from source documents.  Uses
more disk space but search should be up the entire time:
 php updateSearchIndexConfig.php --reindexAndRemoveOk --indexIdentifier now
 php forceSearchIndex.php

If you must do (2) really have only one option:
A.  Build of a copy of the index and reindex to it:
 php updateSearchIndexConfig.php --reindexAndRemoveOk --indexIdentifier now
 php forceSearchIndex.php --from <time when you started updateSearchIndexConfig.php in YYYY-mm-ddTHH:mm:ssZ> --deletes
 php forceSearchIndex.php --from <time when you started updateSearchIndexConfig.php in YYYY-mm-ddTHH:mm:ssZ>
or for the Bash inclined:
 TZ=UTC export REINDEX_START=$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%m:%SZ)
 php updateSearchIndexConfig.php --reindexAndRemoveOk --indexIdentifier now
 php forceSearchIndex.php --from $REINDEX_START --deletes
 php forceSearchIndex.php --from $REINDEX_START

If you must do (3) you again only have one option:
A.  Same as (2.A)

4 is easy!

The safest thing if you don't know what is required for your update is to execute (1.B).

Production suggestions


All the general rules for making Elasticsearch production ready apply here.  So you don't have to go
round them up below is a list.  Some of these steps are obvious, others will take some research.

** NOTE: this list was written for 0.90 so it may not work well for 1.0.  It'll be revised when I have
more experience with 1.0.  --Nik

1.  Have >= 3 nodes.
2.  Configure Elasticsearch for memlock.
3.  Change each node's elasticsearch.yml file in a few ways.
3a.  Change node name to the real host name.
3b.  Turn off autocreation and some other scary stuff by adding this (tested with 0.90.4):
 ################################### Actions #################################
 ## Modulo some small changes to comments this section comes directly from the
 ## wonderful Elasticsearch mailing list, specifically Dan Everton.
 # Require explicit index creation.  ES never autocreates the indexes the way we
 # like them.
 action.auto_create_index: false

 # Protect against accidental close/delete operations on all indices. You can
 # still close/delete individual indices.
 action.disable_close_all_indices: true
 action.disable_delete_all_indices: true

 # Disable ability to shutdown nodes via REST API.
 action.disable_shutdown: true

See tests/browser/README

Job Queue
Cirrus makes heavy use of the job queue.  You can run it without any job queue customization but
if you switch the job queue to Redis with checkDelay enabled then Cirrus's results will be more
correct.  The reason for this is that this configuration allows Cirrus to delay link counts
until Elasticsearch has appropriately refreshed.  This is an example of configuring it:
 $redisPassword = '<password goes here>';
 $wgJobTypeConf['default'] = array(
	'class' => 'JobQueueRedis',
	'order' => 'fifo',
	'redisServer' => 'localhost',
	'checkDelay' => true,
	'redisConfig' => array(
		'password' => $redisPassword,
 $wgJobQueueAggregator = array(
	'class'       => 'JobQueueAggregatorRedis',
	'redisServer' => 'localhost',
	'redisConfig' => array(
		'password' => $redisPassword,

Note: some MediaWiki setups have trouble running the job queue.  It can be finicky.	 The most
sure fire way to get it to work is also the slowest.  Add this to your LocalSettings.php:
 $wgRunJobsAsync = false;

The fastest way to get started with CirrusSearch development is to use MediaWiki-Vagrant.
1.  Follow steps here:
2.  Now execute the following:
vagrant enable-role cirrussearch
vagrant provision

This can take some time but it produces a clean development environment in a virtual machine
that has everything required to run Cirrus.

CirrusSearch provides hooks that other extensions can make use of to extend the core schema and
modify documents.

There are currently two phases to building cirrus documents: the parse phase and the links phase.
The parse phase then the links phase is run when the article's rendered text would change (actual
article change and template change).  Only the links phase is run when an article is newly links
or unlinked.

Note that this whole thing is a somewhat experimental feature at this point and the API hasn't
really been settled.

'CirrusSearchAnalysisConfig': Allows to hook into the configuration for analysis
 &config - multi-dimensional configuration array for analysis of various languages and fields
 $builder - instance of MappingConfigBuilder, for easier use of utility methods to build fields

'CirrusSearchMappingConfig': Allows configuration of the mapping of fields
 &config - multi-dimensional configuration array that contains Elasticsearch document configuration.
   The 'page' index contains configuration for Elasticsearch documents representing pages.
   The 'namespace' index contains namespace configuration for Elasticsearch documents representing

Validating a new version of Elasticsearch
The simplest way to validate the CirrusSearch works with a new version of Elasticsearch is to use
MediaWiki-Vagrant. Get it setup and make sure the tests are passing (see tests/browser/README) and

1. Connect to your vagrant instance with ```vagrant ssh```
2. Get the deb distribution of the Elasticsearch you want to validate with
or something like that.
3. Install it with ```sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-1.7.0.deb```.
4. Disconnect from your vagrant instance. You are done with it.
5. Make a change like the following to MediaWiki-Vagrant:
diff --git a/puppet/modules/elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp b/puppet/modules/elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp
index 08bc4bd..a9fea2e 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/puppet/modules/elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 class elasticsearch {
     package { 'elasticsearch':
-        ensure => '1.6.0',
+        ensure => '1.7.0',

diff --git a/puppet/modules/role/manifests/cirrussearch.pp b/puppet/modules/role/manifests/cirrussearch.pp
index 549104a..c81a22f 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/role/manifests/cirrussearch.pp
+++ b/puppet/modules/role/manifests/cirrussearch.pp
@@ -16,19 +16,19 @@ class role::cirrussearch {
     ## Analysis
     elasticsearch::plugin { 'icu':
         name    => 'elasticsearch-analysis-icu',
-        version => '2.6.0',
+        version => '2.7.0',
     elasticsearch::plugin { 'kuromoji':
         name    => 'elasticsearch-analysis-kuromoji',
-        version => '2.6.0',
+        version => '2.7.0',
     elasticsearch::plugin { 'stempel':
         name    => 'elasticsearch-analysis-stempel',
-        version => '2.6.0',
+        version => '2.7.0',
     elasticsearch::plugin { 'smartcn':
         name    => 'elasticsearch-analysis-smartcn',
-        version => '2.6.0',
+        version => '2.7.0',
     elasticsearch::plugin { 'hebrew':
         # Less stable then icu plugin
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ class role::cirrussearch {
     elasticsearch::plugin { 'highlighter':
         group   => '',
         name    => 'experimental-highlighter-elasticsearch-plugin',
-        version => '1.6.0',
+        version => '1.7.0',
     ## Trigram accelerated regular expressions, "safer" query, and friends
     elasticsearch::plugin { 'extra':
         group   => '',
         name    => 'extra',
-        version => '1.6.0',
+        version => '1.7.0',

6. Run ```vagrant provision```. You should notice it installing new Elasticsearch plugins
but not installing a new Elasticsearch - you already did that. It'll restart Elasticsearch
to pick up the new plugins.
7. Run the integration test suite again.

Licensing information
CirrusSearch makes use of the Elastica extension containing the Elastica library to connect
to Elasticsearch <>. It is Apache licensed and you can read the license


Github mirror of MediaWiki extension CirrusSearch - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing







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  • Gherkin 11.6%
  • Ruby 7.0%
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