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@neko-kai neko-kai released this 11 Jul 15:29

This is a first release of a new 13.* series of interop-cats for ZIO 1.0 & Cats Effect 3. It contains breaking changes with respect to the previous release for ZIO1/CE3 pair.

New versioning scheme

After the release of ZIO 2.0 the previous versioning scheme that mirrored the CE version became insufficient to accomodate the four concurrent ZIO+CE pairs that interop-cats is now released for. We adopt a new versioning scheme <epoch>.<major>.<minor>.<patch>, where 'epoch' is a ZIO+CE pair, with 12=ZIO1/CE2, 13=ZIO1/CE3, 22=ZIO2/CE2, 23=ZIO2/CE3.

Breaking Changes

  • GenTemporal[IO[E, _], E] and GenConcurrent[IO[E, _], E] instances for the generic, non-Throwable, error type E have been removed from the default implicit scope of zio.interop.catz (#543)

    • Instead, instances for GenTemporal[IO[E, _], Cause[E]] and GenConcurrent[IO[E, _], Cause[E]] are now available by importing zio.interop.catz.generic._:
      object generic {
        implicit final def concurrentInstanceCause[R, E]: GenConcurrent[ZIO[R, E, _], Cause[E]] = ...
        implicit final def temporalInstanceCause[R, E]: GenTemporal[ZIO[R, E, _], Cause[E]] = ..
    • These instances differ from default instances in zio.interop.catz object – they can catch all Cause errors - defects, internal interruptions, etc. not just errors produced by
  • When using bracketCase, guaranteeCase or cats.effect.Fiber#join, now all ZIO error states, except for external interruption by another fiber, are translated to Outcome.Errored. Before a failure produced by ZIO.die would be translated to Outcome.Succeeded, and an internal interruption produced by ZIO.interrupt would be translated to Outcome.Canceled. Both of these translations could undermine resource safety when a finalizer relies on Outcome.Succeded to judge whether resource cleanup is necessary. Now both of these states translate to Outcome.Errored (#543)

Compatibility Improvements

  • MonadCancel#canceled method is now implemented lawfully (#544 #503)
  • Async#async method now respects the returned finalizer (#542 #541 #509)
  • Disrepancies and law failures have been fixed in implementations of multiple methods (#549 #544 #543)


Full Changelog: v3.2.9.1...v13.0.0.0