Video Demo (content is same as the above GIF): Vimeo
Executable File Download: Google Drive
Compiling Environment: Linux
How to manually compile the source files: In terminal, change directory to this folder and execute "gcc -O2 -o logclusterc *.c" command. The executable file named "logclusterc" then will be generated.
LogCluster is a density-based data clustering algorithm for event logs, introduced by Risto Vaarandi and Mauno Pihelgas in 2015.
A detialed discussion of the LogCluster algorithm can be found in the paper ( published at CNSM 2015.
The C-based implementation of LogCluster algorithm is called LogClusterC.
LogClusterC borrows lots of source code from another open source data mining tool SLCT: .
The information of LogCluster algorithm and its prototype implementation in Perl: .
The history versions of LogCluster in Perl: .
All the functions in LogCluster Perl version 0.03 are supported in LogClusterC. The basic functions and heuristics functions (options: --input, --rsupport, --support, --aggrsup, --wweight) are tested via various experiments in thesis.
**如何编译:**下载源文件后,命令行输入 gcc -O2 -o logclusterc *.c
此工具基于Risto Vaarandi和Mauno Pihelgas发明的LogCluster算法,这是一个基于文本密度的数据挖掘算法,主要应用于大规模日志的模式分析。