Explanations about installing k3s cluster on Orange Pi 5 Plus devices with ansible. Process includes instalation of the following software:
Basic Software packages:
Cilium with Helm
Additional Software packages:
For testing purposes installation of open-webui project is done.
modification of the helm chart are made because of the Cilium L2
annoncements mode
You can skip this step and download image from the nearest mirror or continue to building process with docker
# Clone armbian repo go to the repo root
git clone https://github.com/armbian/build.git && cd build
# NOTE: running docker desktop app needs to be in place
# Run docker container with the following command
./compile.sh docker-shell BOARD=orangepi5-plus \
# Run build process IN the container
./compile.sh BOARD=orangepi5-plus BUILD_MINIMAL=yes \
# for more information https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Building-with-Docker/
# on osX check out the disk name with diskutil list command
# on linux/bsd/unix you can use lsblk or parted or gsdisk or other like cdisk
# fdisk etc.
# from the same folder create bootable sd card
sudo dd if=output/images/Armbian-unofficial_24.5.0-trunk_Orangepi5-plus_bookworm_edge_6.8.0-rc1_minimal.img \
of=/dev/disk2 bs=1m status=progress
Search for mac address of the device in your dhcp server and ssh root@<ip_address> to it with default password "1234"
Check devices
Run fdisk in order to delete/create partitions
At the end it will ask you to poweroff. Do it remove SD card and you are done.
Sometimes armbian-install does not work as expected. and the following actions should fix such behaviour. After installing and rebooting, system does not boot from nvme device. Put sd card back and reboot:
# before mouting you should check partitions in gpt
fdisk /dev/nvme0n1
p1 - type 136 -> Linux exteded boot
p2 - type 20 -> Linux filesystem
# mount installation partition
mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/nvme0n1
mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/nvme0n2
# get UUID of the partition (/dev/nvme0n2) in which is supposed that you
# installed armbian earlier.
/sbin/blkid |grep nvme0n1p2 | cut -d " " -f2
# make sure that you have boot folder in nvme0n1p1
cp -r /boot/* /mnt/nvme0n1p1/.
# edit armbianEnv.txt and chage boot UUID with the above
vim /mnt/nvme0n1p1/armbianEnv.txt
# poweroff & remove sdcard
# boot and check root device
# Sometimes
# NOTE: manual overwrite mtdblock0 (don't do it)
# dd if=/usr/lib/linux-u-boot-edge-orangepi5-plus/rkspi_loader.img of=/dev/mtdblock0 conv=notrunc status=none
After installing all devices Put it in the netwrok to get IP via DHCP (you can do it with static records in it) and get ./ansible/inventory/hosts.ini update with the correct IPs.
ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections/requirements.yml
Role "copy-ssh-pub-key" is not working as expected!!! it's commented out (you can use Copy ssh key from old playbooks blueprint)
# Adding keys to cluster (expect to have key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)
# NOTE: will ask you for user password two times (TODO: fix this)
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini k3s-ssh-copy-id.yml -e local_user=$USER -k
# NOTE: For removing use (suppose that pub keys are ~/.ssh/*.pub )
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini k3s-ssh-remove-ssh-pub.yml -k
# Note: Before running bootstrap role you should change "mac_to_hostname" or just:
# comment out role
# - role: roles/set-hostname-by-mac-map
# located in k3s-bootstrap.yml file
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini k3s-bootstrap.yml -K
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini k3s-sshd-hardened.yml -K
On mater node:
Install K3s Master node
Install k9s on master node
Install Helm
Install Cilium with Helm
Install cilium-cli
On nodes:
Ensure the /etc/rancher/k3s directory exists
Modify and deploy the modified k3s.yaml to all nodes
Install k3s on worker nodes
# NOTE: if you reinstall node - use the below command with limit option to only
master and reinstalled node that way you don't have to wait other nodes
ex: --limit="02.worker.k3s","01.master.k3s"
TODO: Ansible to be chnged for getting k3s token from master on reinstall worker nodes..
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini k3s-install.yml -K --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -vvvv
# Sometimes reload k3s-afgent is needed
This step is done via ansible helm installation of cilium check out ./ansible/roles/k3s-master-install/tasks/install_cilium_with_helm.yml
# apply role, rolebinding to cilium service account that gives cilium accecss to "leases" resources
kubectl apply -f ./k8s-manifests/cilium-rbac-for-l2-annoncement.yml
kubectl apply -f k3s-cluster/mainfests/lb-red-pool.yml
kubectl apply -f k3s-cluster/mainfests/lb-blue-pool.yml
- Config argo to look after git repo
- Inastall cert-manager - Let's encrypt with cert-manager
- Install prometheus operator with helm
- export snmp_exporter for network devices
# clone open-webui repo in ./k8s-manifests/
cd k8s-manifests/ && git clone https://github.com/zhecho/open-webui.git
cd open-webui/kubernetes/helm/
# Cilium L2 annoncement mode
# Requirements:
# - there should be ip pool that is assigned to the service - this is
# achieved by setting label matching above pools (guarantied with color: blue
# tag)
# - service should have:
# spec.loadBalancerClass: io.cilium/l2-announcer
# spec.type: LoadBalancer
# Test what should be deployed with helm template cli command:
helm template ollama ./\
--set webui.service.labels.color="blue"\
--set webui.service.type="loadbalancer"\
--set webui.service.loadbalancerclass="io.cilium/l2-announcer"
# install it
kubectl create namespace ollama
helm install ollama -n ollama ./\
--set webui.service.labels.color="blue"\
--set webui.service.type="LoadBalancer"\
--set webui.service.loadBalancerClass="io.cilium/l2-announcer"
# Login
ssh $USER@<k3s_master_ip> && sudo su -
# Export env in order k9s to know config file
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
# Run k9s
Place for roadmap ideas/