dune utop src
, then Interp.Main.parse_file "path/to/file";;
. Path is relative to stalc folder.
dune build
dune exec -- stalc test/factorial.stal -o test/factorial.asm
nasm -f macho64 factorial.asm
ld -macosx_version_min 12.6.0 -L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib -lSystem -o factorial factorial.o
dune runtest
will overwriterax
- substituion is not capture avoiding, name your type variables carefully
- for polymorphic type instantiation, for words use square brackets, e.g.
jmp _fact[nil]
, for operands use normal brackets.
- Use bdwgc for malloc
- Check if Bop is buggy when the registers are the same
- hval
- stack equality, correctness? (is serialization correct?)
forall type free variables?- avoid captures