A Python wrapper for the MapMyFitness API
This is a work in progress:
We're tracking tasks over at HuBoard
* not currently implemented
Install via pip:
pip install mapmyfitness
or from local sources:
python setup.py install
- Python 2.7, 3.2 or 3.3
- Requests takes care of our HTTP chatting, and is automatically installed when using the steps above.
Search for routes created by a user:
>>> from mapmyfitness import MapMyFitness
>>> mmf = MapMyFitness(api_key='not-so-secret', access_token='super-secret')
>>> routes = mmf.route.search(user=9118466) # returns a list of routes
>>> len(routes)
Get a single route:
>>> route = mmf.route.find(348949363)
>>> route.name
'4 Mile Lunch Run'
Returns a RouteObject or raises mapmyfitness.exceptions.NotFoundException
if no route is found.
Get route geometry:
>>> route.points()
{'lat': 39.74942025, 'lng': -104.99598683, 'ele': 1604.96},
{'lat': 39.74954872, 'lng': -104.99627271, 'ele': 1605.48},
Prefer GeoJSON?:
>>> route.points(geojson=True)
'type': 'LineString',
'coordinates': [
(-104.9959868, 39.74942025),
(-104.9961131, 39.74958007),
Delete a route:
>>> mmf.route.delete(348949363)
Returns None
on success or raises mapmyfitness.exceptions.NotFoundException
if the route doesn't exist.
PEP8 validation (--ignore==E501, line length) is strictly enforced
You'll need some additional things to run tests, so:
pip install -r test_requirements.txt
Run the tests:
You can get coverage too:
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package mapmyfitness
View coverage:
coverage html