v1.9.5.2 RC with Internet stream recording
**New Tab
is introduced for viewing and recording audio and/or video streams (from Internet or local network)
**Experimental use introduced FFPlay for playing streams, Play button added to
tab as well - separate window is opened for playing asynchronously - you can continue working in the main window -
**Since it is still experimental, only basic selection is possible (user can still manually edit ffmpeg command before recording):
**if Audio file is selected to record streaming, then simple copy from stream to the file is given, if you want full conversion on-the-fly, then you must enter options manually for the ffmpeg command
**if Video is selected to record streaming, then options are given to record video in 5 minute segments - if you want to record in a single, large file, then modify the command before clicking Start Recording
**Check Stream button will display stream information in the log panel at the right side - format is JSON, so you can see what codec is used and thus choose appropriate file format
**Source code for Linux mono and Windows forms has finally converged and it is now the same. Difference is in file naming conventions (slash and backslash, and ffmpeg calls). Runtime check is used to decide if the Linux (or Mac) or Windows is the running platform. For performance reasons, I suggest to use Linux (or Mac) Mono, instead of Wine. I use it now predominantly on Linux Debian 9 in the cloud, so that I don't occupy my own PC
**Since new version needs ffplay and it can't be found as a static build for Linux, you have to both install ffmpeg package and copy the binaries that I included, ffmpeg and ffprobe manually to /usr/bin/. Please scroll to the end of this file to see how, and read INSTALL_README.txt included with download to learn how.
** Mac users should just unpack be download and run: mono VCT.exe in the installation VCT_mono dir. The prerequisite is to install mono for Mac. Please find the tutorial on the net how to do it. This version should work with MacOS 10.10 and above. I use old Mac 10.7 and use specialized builds, so I don't know if Mac version works, so you tell me if it does!