VE477, introduction to Algorithms, course in UMJI, taken in 2020Fall.
in All written in Fall 2020, including part of the content of VE281&VE477.
New note will be updated on
The images mainly comes from VE477&281 couse slides, Introduction to Algorithm
Lab code & report
Code written in Python unless specified, report written in Latex
1.1 a simple dictionary written in C
1.2 hashtable written in C
1.3 hashtable's application: phonebook
MST (Minimum Spanning Tree)
- Kruskal and Prim algorithm written in C with comparison report
3.1.1 counting inversion
3.1.2 stable marriage problem
3.2 Knapsack problem: greedy solution and dynamic programming solution, with time comparison
- Fibonacci Heap with interactive terminal test / txt input / generate random input
- Graph representation
- Dijkstra algo. using Fibonacci Heap
- Bellman-Ford
- Comparison report
Use the data structure in Lab5, implement
- Edmonds-Karp algorithm
- Maximum Bipartite Matching Problem
- Random Search
- Linear Search
- Scramble Search
- Comparsion
- Linear Programming
written in Latex, see each
3.1 Data structures
- P6 Fibonacci heaps (P2)
3.2 Combinatory
- P15. Generating Partitions (P1)
- P16. Generating Subsets (P1)
3.7 Artificial Intelligence
P105 Guided Policy Search (P3)
P109 Spectral Clustering (P3)
P110. Support Vector Machine (P2)