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5. Troubleshooting

Ebuka Ifezue edited this page Nov 16, 2022 · 1 revision

How to troubleshoot

Ah yes even though this software this software strives so hard to work on all systems which satisfies the requirements, it would probably not work perfectly or not work at all in all systems ( which is normal in software development ). So here's a list of things to do when this happens.

Step 0: Turn on app debug.

Do not do this on a live production server as it might end up in leaking of very sensitive information, These are fine if you're on a staging or development environment, but if you don't know what you're doing, skip this step when on a production environment. ( credit: ) In your .env file, turn on APP_DEBUG.

If you've been seeing blank pages and the above change doesn't help, try setting display_errors to On in your php.ini configuration file.

Step 1: Common Fixes

A lot of issues can be fixed with the following:

  • Clear your browser cache
  • Clear the backend cache with php artisan optimize:clear
  • Make sure your database is updated with php artisan migrate
  • Make sure the database is seeded by running php artisan db:Seed in development or php artisan db:seed --class=RunInProductionSeeder
  • Try using the installer again by running php artisan skuul:init

Step 2: Try reproducing the issue

Try repeating the steps that led to this error, if possible document it somewhere.

Step 3: Collect data and report as an issue if you cant find what went wrong.

If all to no avail you couldn't find the source of your problems, you should first of all search for errors related to yours here, if you are lucky the error would have been discussed here or you could even google the error. It can sometimes guide you on what to do. If all of these fail, feel free to open a new issue.
