This project is a Computer Architecture course project, which is about writing a CPU from scratch with RISC-V ISA (rv32ia). It's written by verilog hardware design language. It has features as follows:
It has five stages pipiline with meomory controller and stall controller.
It has 512 bytes instruction cache, which can contain 128 instructions.
It can be simulated correctly for the instructions in rv32i, except for ECALL, EBREAK, CSRRW, CSRRS, CSRRC, CSRRWI, CSRRSI, CSRRCI.
It can generate a CPU on FPGA, simulate a memory on PC, and connect two of them by uart. And it could pass all the tests given on board with a frequency of 150M Hz.
Before we start, it's necessary to install RISC-V toolchain (cross compiler).
Here is a brief introduction about how to install RiscV toolchain on linux in 2019. First clone the official repository:
git clone && cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
This might take some time. It is suggested to add proxy for your git:
git config --global http.proxy 'socks5://'
Now we can start compile the toolchain
./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32ia --with-abi=ilp32
sudo make all
Remark: Here --with-arch=rv32ia
means we only use the ISA with 32-bit address space, 32 registers and atomic instruction (That's what A-extension means). Using --with-arch=rv32i
will leads to build error.
You may wait for about an hour. After that add the toolchain to PATH.
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin
check if your toolchain works by
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -v
Here you can use the shell script I wrote. In the root directory, run script
./ all
./ testname
to build all test cases or only one testcase.
This will compile 'testcase/testname.c' and output some intermediate files to directory 'testdata/'. And the .data
file is exactly what we need.
- Using Vivado: Just move the
file to the src directory and run simulation. - Using Iverilog: Iverilog is a light weight and open source simulator, which is easy to install with
and fast to simulate. Here I wrote a
to help me test the correctness, just type
cd src
./ testname
The five stages are the same with the classic five stage architecture. And one thing need to be dealt with is control hazard, I use a stall controller to schedule all the stuffs here
always @(*) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
stall <= 7'b0000000;
end else if (stallreq_mem == `Stop) begin
stall <= 7'b1001111; // [5:0]
end else if (stallreq_branch == `Stop) begin
stall <= 7'b0100010; // cancel previous inst
else if (stallreq_id == `Stop) begin
stall <= 7'b0000111;
end else if (stallreq_if == `Stop) begin
stall <= 7'b0000001;
end else begin
stall <= 7'b0000000;
Due to the poor API of ram.v, we can only fetch 1 byte of data from memory per cycle. Thus it's necessary to fetch one instruction with 4 stages. Moreover, to deal with conflict between IF memory access and MEM stage memory access, we have to use a memory controller to schedule all the accesses as well as communicating with stall controller. The core of my memory controller is:
if (mem_mem_req_i) begin
if_stall_req_o <= 1'b0;
mem_stall_req_o <= 1'b1;
write_enable_o <= mem_write_enable_i;
mem_addr_o <= mem_mem_addr_i;
mem_data_o <= mem_data_i;
mem_write <= mem_write_byte;
end else if (if_mem_req_i) begin
if_stall_req_o <= 1'b1;
mem_stall_req_o <= 1'b0;
write_enable_o <= 1'b0;
mem_data_o <= mem_data_i;
mem_addr_o <= if_mem_addr_i;
end else begin
if_stall_req_o <= 1'b0;
mem_stall_req_o <= 1'b0;
The instructino cache can boost the speed of instruction fetch a lot. And the implementation is simple and naive, the core of my instruction cache is the following lines:
if ((read_index_i == write_index_i) && we_i) begin
hit_o <= 1'b1;
inst_o <= write_inst_i;
end else if ((read_tag_i == rtag_c) && rvalid) begin
hit_o <= 1'b1;
inst_o <= rinst_c;
end else begin
hit_o <= 1'b0;
inst_o <= `ZeroWord;
Before having implementation, make sure there is no critical warning. For exmaple, check if one reg variable has been edited in two different @always loop.
After that, we can generate bit stream and test on board! Before testing, make sure serial is installed:
sudo apt install catkin
cd serial && make install
./ testname
[1] 手把手教你设计CPU--RISC-V处理器篇,胡振波,人民邮电出版社,2018
[2] 自己动手写CPU,雷思磊,电子工业出版社,2014