Abstract your databases, make datababies. ueberDB turns every database into a simple key value store by providing a layer of abstraction between your software and your database. ueberDB uses a smart cache and buffer algorithm to make databases faster. Reads are cached and writes are done in a bulk. The bulk writing reduces the overhead of a database transaction. The syntax is simple and clean and getting started is easy.
#Database Support
- SQLite
- Postgres
- Level
- Dirty
- Mongo
- Redis
- Couch
- Cassandra
npm install ueberDB
var ueberDB = require("ueberDB");
var db = new ueberDB.database("mysql", {"user":"root", host: "localhost", "password":"", database: "store"});
//sqlite in-memory
//var db = new ueberDB.database("sqlite");
//sqlite in file
//var db = new ueberDB.database("sqlite", {filename:"var/sqlite3.db"});
//sqlite in file with a write interval of a half second
//var db = new ueberDB.database("sqlite", {filename:"var/sqlite3.db"}, {writeInterval: 500});
//initialize the database
db.init(function (err)
//set a object as a value
//can be done without a callback, cause the value is immediately in the buffer
db.set("valueA", {a:1,b:2});
//get the object
db.get("valueA", function(err, value){
#How to add support for another database
Look at sqlite_db.js and mysql_db.js, your module have to provide the same functions. Call it DATABASENAME_db.js and reimplement the functions for your database. If you think it works, test it with node benchmark.js DATABASENAME
. Benchmark.js is benchmark and test at the same time. It tries to set 100000 values. You can pipe stderr to a file and will create a csv with benchmark results.
#Limitations Only mysql, dirty and mongodb currently support findKeys feature. The following do not yet support the function:
- couch
- leveldb
- redis (Only keys of the format ::*)
- cassandra (Only keys of the format ::*)
For details on how it works please refer to the wiki: https://github.com/Pita/ueberDB/wiki/findKeys-functionality
#License Apache License v2