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Poker Helper

Clone Project

git clone

Install Project Dependencies

The project contains two apps, one for the front-end and one for the back-end each of which have separate dependencies that need to be installed.

To install the dependencies for the back-end navigate to the root of the project and run the command npm install then navigate to /client/ and again run the command npm install

Running the App

To run the app locally first make sure you have installed all the latest dependencies, then navigate to the root of the project and run the command npm start this will run the back-end, after the backend is up and running you will now need to launch the front-end development server by navigating to /client/ and running npm start.

The app should now be running at http://localhost:3000

Github Workflow

The first step to contributing is to clone the project if you haven't already by running the command git clone if you have already cloned the project run the command git pull origin master this will ensure that the codebase you cloned is up to date with the remote master branch.

Creating a Branch

Now that you are ready to work on the project the first thing you need to do is create a branch and name it after the feature you are working. For example let's say you wanted to create a button you would create a branch by running the command git branch create-button. This will create a copy of the codebase that you can work on without having to worry about messing up the master branch.

After you create a branch you can move in to it with git checkout create-button. You can check what branch you are currently in by running git status

Commiting your Changes

Once you have finnished working on the feature you need to commit your changes locally, to this you need to firts add the file you modified to the staging area using the command git add path/to/file. Once the file is added to the staging area you can now commit your changes using the command git commit path/to/file -m"detailed description of what you changed".

To confirm you have commited all your changes localy run git status.

Push Changes to Github

After you have confimed that you have commited everything you are now ready to push your branch to github, to do this you need to run the command git push origin name-of-branch.

Github Cheatsheet


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In react all of our user interface elemnets are called components. A react component is simply a javascript function that return a HTML object.

Creating Components

The majority of our components will live inside client/src/shared directory.

When creating a component first create a folder by naming it after the component you are creating and then inside that folder create an index.js file. Also make sure to capitilize the first letter of the folder when nameing you component and use camel case.

import React from 'react'

var PageHeader = function(props) => {
  return (
      <h1>Hello World</h1>

// The code below is the exact same as the code above except that we are using some of the features of the latest version of JavaScript (ES6).

const PageHeader = props => (
    <h1>Hello World</h1>

Calling a Component

import MyComponent from 'shared/MyComponent/index.js'

<MyComponent />

// We can also call our componets using the following syntax



If you noctice that are javascript functions are returning what looks like HTML. This is actually a JSX string which is currently not supported by browsers but because we our using the babel compliler our JSX code get coverted to a string of html.

The main advantage of JSX is that it allows us to inject javascript expressions inside or our JSX strings by using curly braces.

For example the following jsx <p>{1 + 1}</p> will be compiled to <p>2</p>


Every react componets can have 0 or more props. Any valid javascript type can be passed as a value for a prop.

Passing props to a component

// Here we are creating a propertie called name and giving it a value of bob which is of type String

<User name="bob" />

// To pass in values that are not of type String we must you wrap are value in curly braces like so

<User name="bob" age={20} favMovies={ ["foo", "bar"] } />

Accesing Props From Within Our Component

When our component get executed, the react library will create an object with all of the props specified and pass it into the componnet through the props paramater.

const User = props => (
        <th> name: </th>
        <td> { }
        <th> age: </th>
        <td> { props.age }


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  • JavaScript 87.5%
  • CSS 10.5%
  • HTML 2.0%