Official H264 UVC driver for ELP Camera (Downloaded from ELP China)
This driver has been tested on Debian 8 on Beaglebone Black (Kernel V. linux-4.4.54-ti-r93)
Compiling the uvc_3.3.8 first with Makefile_PC (Inheritated file eg. Makefile) with
Unload original uvc driver
sudo rmmod uvcvideo
Load new UVC driver module
sudo insmod ./uvcvideo_h264.ko
Piping out the raw H264 by H264_UVC_TestAP to stdout eg. FFMPEG Modifying the H264_UVC_TestAP.c to allows this application piping out,
line 129 This function
static int CheckKernelVersion(void)
must bypass by force return true -
line 682 adding TestAp_Printf(TESTAP_DBG_USAGE, "-o, --stdout stdout the stream\n");