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Distributed Road Network Monitoring System

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This repository is a project, Distributed Road Network Monitoring System, developed by the 2020 GRP Team 17, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham Ningbo China. See more about our project as the project website. This project is part of module Software Engineering Group Project (COMP 2043), School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

Getting Started

This project consists of 3 component, mobile application, website, and back end.


Back End

The server component is only developed and tested on 64-bit Cent OS release 8.3.2011. Thanks to Docker, these servers may work on other planforms, as long as meeting the following prerequisites.



  1. Clone the repo

    git clone [email protected]:scyyf1/2020_grp_17.git

  2. Find the back end directory

    cd 2020_grp_17/src/back/

  3. Add host into the ALLOWED_HOSTS in myServer/

  4. Make sure the position correct, src/myServer, which contains


    // <Project_Directory>/src/myServer
  5. Start the back end servers

    docker-compose up

Project development log

The development log is here.



We are Software Engineering Group Project 2020 Team 17. Here are our contact.

Name Email
Yizirui Fang [email protected]
Shengnan Hu [email protected]
Hongming Ping [email protected]
Shihui Que [email protected]
Qiyuan Wang [email protected]



This part will show you the prerequisites before you start to develop our project.

For Windows

System requirements
Operating System Windows 7 or Later.
Disk Space 400 MB (It does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
Tools 1. Windows PowerShell 2. Git for Windows 2.x.
SDK Flutter SDK for Windows
IDE Android Studio (Official)
  1. You should follow all steps in the Flutter Official website: Installation for Windows
  2. You should follow all steps in the [Flutter Official website:: Setting up the editor

For Mac

System requirements
Operating System macOS (64-bit)
Disk Space 2.8 GB (It does not include disk space for IDE/tools).
Tools bash curl git 2.x mkdir rm unzip which
IDE Xcode (Official) and AndroidStudio (Official)
SDK Flutter SDK for Mac
  1. You should follow all steps in the Flutter Official website: installation for Mac
  2. You should follow all steps in the Flutter Official website: Setting up the editor


  1. Clone the repository
$ git clone [email protected]:scyyf1/2020_grp_17.git
  1. After cloning the repo, find the RoadMonitoringSystemApp directory:
$ cd 2020_grp_17/src/RoadMonitoringSystemApp/
  1. Open the project RoadMonitoringSystemApp in AndroidStudio

  2. Open the pubspec.yaml file in Android Studio

  3. Click

    Pub get

    to gets dependencies for a non-Flutter package. (see pub get )

  4. To run our project, you can follow the approach to run the app introduced in Flutter official website: test-drive .

    Some other ways you may want to choose to run our code :

    • If you want to test the IOS Application using simulator on Mac, you can choose to open simulator in the following steps

      • ​ Click Open IOS Simulator in the Target Selector

      • ​ Click File->Open Simulator->IOS 14.4 ->Choose one phone

    • If you want to test the IOS Application using real devices on Mac, enter

      $ flutter run --release

      in the terminal or click the Run button in Xcode.

Project development log

The development log is here.


This project is under developing now. You may refer to the timeline of this project.


More info

See more about our project as the project website.


Distributed under MIT License. See LICENSE for more information
