This cloud be a CLI toolkit for RDS DBA.
- Support MySQL InnoDB buffer pool warmup.
- Stress test specified query/queries.
./rdsdba --help
RDS DBA CLI plan to provide rich features to support general
database operations, troubleshooting, performance diagnose, etc
rdsdba [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
stress Run stress test on MySQL
warmup Warm up MySQL InnoDB buffer pool
-l, --connection-max-lifetime duration the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused, less than 0 means never timeout, support time duration [s|m|h], suggest keep default (default -1m0s)
-D, --debug show debug level log
-h, --help help for rdsdba
-H, --host string RDS host (default "localhost")
-c, --max-connection int max number of open connections to RDS (default 50)
-i, --max-idle-connection int max number of idle connections to RDS (default 50)
-p, --password string RDS password
-P, --port int RDS port (default 3306)
-u, --user string RDS user (default "root")
-v, --version version for rdsdba
Use "rdsdba [command] --help" for more information about a command.
./rdsdba warmup --help
Warm up RDS MySQL instance InnoDB buffer pool by reading data on disk and load into memory to
speed up upcoming traffic.
rdsdba warmup [flags]
-h, --help help for warmup
-o, --only strings only load specific tables to memory, comma separated format:schema_name.table_name, schema_name2.table_name2, whitespaces between comma is allowed
-s, --skip strings skip cold tables to let them stay on disk, comma separated format:schema_name1.table_name1,schema_name2.table_name2, whitespaces between comma is allowed
-t, --thread int number of threads (default 1)
Global Flags:
-l, --connection-max-lifetime duration the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused, less than 0 means never timeout, support time duration [s|m|h], suggest keep default (default -1m0s)
-D, --debug show debug level log
-H, --host string RDS host (default "localhost")
-c, --max-connection int max number of open connections to RDS (default 50)
-i, --max-idle-connection int max number of idle connections to RDS (default 50)
-p, --password string RDS password
-P, --port int RDS port (default 3306)
-u, --user string RDS user (default "root")
Run stress test on MySQL,
specified queries instead of random queries.
rdsdba stress [flags]
-f, --file string the file which contains multiple queries used for stress test, for each query must provide a weighted, separated by ';'
-h, --help help for stress
-q, --query string single query used for stress test, accepted in command line
-t, --thread int number of threads(connections) (default 1)
-T, --time duration stress test time, support time duration [s|m|h] (default 30s)
Global Flags:
-l, --connection-max-lifetime duration the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused, less than 0 means never timeout, support time duration [s|m|h], suggest keep default (default -1m0s)
-D, --debug show debug level log
-H, --host string RDS host (default "localhost")
-c, --max-connection int max number of open connections to RDS (default 50)
-i, --max-idle-connection int max number of idle connections to RDS (default 50)
-p, --password string RDS password
-P, --port int RDS port (default 3306)
-u, --user string RDS user (default "root")
rdsdba warmup -H '' --user root --password 'yourpassword' --thread 4 2>&1 |tee 1.log
rdsdba warmup -H '' --user root --password 'yourpassword' --thread 10 --skip 'testdb1.cold_tab1, testdb2.cold_tab2' 2>&1 |tee 1.log
rdsdba warmup -H '' --user root --password 'yourpassword' --thread 2 --only 'testdb1.hot_tab1, testdb2.hot_tab2' 2>&1 |tee 1.log
--skip and --only flag are exclusive
rdsdba stress --time 60s --thread 20 --host localhost --user root -p xxxx --query "select sleep(1)"
min: 1017
avg: 1068
max: 1094
95th percentile: 1076
General statistics:
total time: 60.003456s
total queries: 1118
SQL statistics:
qps: 18.632260
ignored errors: 20
- Prepare queries and weight
$ cat queries.txt
select sleep(1); 6
select sleep(2); 2
select sleep(3); 2
select sleep(1)
execution times will be 60%
- Run stress test
rdsdba stress --time 60s --thread 20 --host localhost --user root -p xxxx --file queries.txt