Wellness Wise – an AI driven web application designed to help users monitor, understand, and improve their mental and physical well being through personalized insights and community support.
- Personalized Health Recommendation
Based on User diets and habbits , suggest mood, sleep, meal, activity response. Use sentiment analysis on mood logs to identify trends.
- Health Goal
A section where user can track his/ her progress , as they set their goals and check their number of continuous streak.
- AI ChatBox
Implement a chatBox which can suggest health realted questions, provide motivational support.
- Health Tips
Builds a system using google youtube API which provides you a motivational videos related to health, meditation, yoga, nutrition, exercises .
- Community section
Provide a platform using nodejs Backend where users can post, comment, and like responses.
React js , Node js , Express js , Mongodb , Machine Learning , Bootstrap , Tailwind .
Leader : Yash Pandey ( 20222068, Chemical Engineering)
Member 1 : Harshit Pandey ( 20220024, Biotechnolgy Engineering)
Member 2 : Lakshit Rajput ( 20220030, Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Member 3 : Gurmeet Singh Rathor ( 20222025, Chemical Engineering)
- cd client/
- npm i
- npm start
- cd server
- npm i
- npm start
- cd server/src/ml
- source env/Scripts/activate
- pip install flask numpy pandas datetime textblob scikit-learn
- py pattern_detection.py or python pattern_detection.py