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Releases: yaradigitallabs/tf_aws_elasticache_redis


25 Mar 05:48
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What's Changed

  • DE-3650 Enabling encryption at rest parameter for redis by @Sr3yas-sk in #7

This release enables the encryption at rest parameter for redis module.

NOTE : Existing redis created using this module cannot be updated to start encryption. It has to be recreated if the encryption as to be configured. If you are upgrading to any of the latest tags from this release, ensure to keep the encryption parameter to false or plan to delete and recreate the redis.

Full Changelog: v2.1.7...v2.1.8

Adding tags to non taged resources

23 Dec 09:34
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Adding tags to resources without tags to adhere to service control policy enforced in AWS accounts

Adding flexible length formatting for redis instance name

16 Aug 06:07
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Overtime the redis instance name formatting length was updated from 20s -> 30s -> 40s. But there were resources that were already provisioned with the respective formatting. Which meant that while updating those resources with latest module change added more characters to the redis instance name, which results in recreation of cluster.

This change brings in update to add flexible length formatting

Enable adding VPN SG explicitly

07 Aug 12:17
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.4...v2.1.5

updating code to support latest terraform version

11 May 07:12
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updating code to support latest terraform version

Increasing replication Id format to 40 to fix yc message service naming convention redis issue

16 Sep 09:45
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Increasing replication Id format to 40 to fix yc message service naming convention redis issue

Increasing redis parameter group length

08 Mar 09:18
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Merge pull request #2 from yaradigitallabs/Fix/redis-id

Increasing replication Id format to 30 to fix yaraconnect naming convention redis issue