- Access after authorization
- Output from the product database in the form of a table
- Admin panel
- CRUD for products on RME
- Export/Import
- Add one product to prestashop
- Add all new products to prestashop
- Update price one product to prestashop
- Update all prices products to prestashop
- Update quantity one product to prestashop
- Update quantity all products to prestashop
- Get products from prestashop
- Get category from prestashop
- Laravel 9
- MySQL database
- API PrestaShop (WebService)
- Admin Panel (Filanent)
- Clone repo.
- Handle .ENV file
- Generate key: php artisan key:generate
- composer install
- Add key to env PS_WS_AUTH_KEY
- php artisan db:seed
For dev purpose: php artisan serve.
- php artisan update:price (Update prices all products)
- php artisan update:quantity (Update quantity all products)