my html5 snake game
Build a "Snake" Game
Goal: Build an interactive Snake clone in JavaScript. If you have never played Snake, you can read about it here:
- Use JavaScript
- Run on latest versions of Chrome, Safari, and FireFox
- Use Canvas 2D
- Use requestAnimationFrame
- Support different screen pixel ratios (densities)
- Use arrow keys to change direction of the Snake
- Increase the length of the Snake by one block for each block it "eats"
- Increase the speed of the Snake by a small percentage for each block it "eats"
- When the snake "eats" a block, randomly place a new block on the board that is a certain distance from the snake's current position and the walls.
- End the game if the Snake "bites its own tail" or runs into a wall
- Use underscore
- Keep score
- Pause the game with SPACE key
- Reset the game by clicking on the Canvas
- Design the game using JavaScript objects and inheritance (use _.extend)
- Use jquery for DOM manipulation and event binding (though not really needed for this exercise)
- Use requirejs for dependency injection
- Deploy the game to Heroku using Node.js
- Save highscores in browser localstorage
- Provide different difficulty levels
- Provide different board sizes
- Support the fullscreen API
- Write unit tests using Mocha
To run the tests. From the scripts directory:
mocha -u tdd test.js
- Surprise us with something cool
Sound Credits
Should make x, y member variables in the game entities private by using closures For more information, see this: