Gmail4J is a simple, object oriented library for accessing Gmail services from Java.
Add the dependency to your pom.xml:
Or use the latest and greatest snapshot:
GmailClient client = new RssGmailClient();
GmailConnection connection = new HttpGmailConnection(LoginDialog.getInstance().show("Enter Gmail Login"));
final List<GmailMessage> messages = client.getUnreadMessages();
for (GmailMessage message : messages) {
GmailClient client = new RssGmailClient();
HttpGmailConnection connection = new HttpGmailConnection(LoginDialog.getInstance().show("Enter Gmail Login"));
connection.setProxy("", 8080);
connection.setProxyCredentials(LoginDialog.getInstance().show("Enter Proxy Login"));
final List<GmailMessage> messages = client.getUnreadMessages();
for (GmailMessage message : messages) {
There are more examples in API docs.
For reports, API docs and more, please check Gmail4j Maven Site.