CloudChaser is a search, listen and playlist tool that uses the Soundcloud API to try and improve the raw search functionality. My vision for this website was born from frustration using the official Soundcloud website when searching for new music. I wanted to make the search results faster, lightweight and using a traditional itunes/finder table sorting system.
You can check it out here: CloudChaser
This website uses mainly Ruby on Rails, a touch of Javascript and the Soundcloud API.
- Merge this project with my interactive 3D visualiser website Threedee. When you search Soundcloud for music, you can switch over to a visualiser!
- Add more than one playlist for users.
- Add the ability to Create, Update, Delete Playlists.
- Use my newfound Backbone.js skills to revamp the interface and truely SPA-ify this app (Single Page App).
- More javascript to make the page come alive with annimated loading bars, and adding to playlist icons etc.
- Digital radio tuner(s)
- Soundcloud account authentication
- Artists you're following page
- Ability to search and save 'Playlists'.
- Ability follow artists.
- Elogant and simple soundcloud news feed that MAYBE allows commenting.
- Upload directly to your soundcloud account with audio files or microphone
Massive thanks to Joel Turnbull & Daniel Tsui for all help.