Mobile Vaccination Forecasting and Tracking
FC-Connect is a hybrid mobile app, it is written using modern web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and Javascript.
Our tool set pulls from the nodejs environment.
##Unit tests
Testing Suite
- Test runner - Karma
- Test framework - Jasmine
Running tests
karma start
- Viewing Unit Test Coverage report
- The coverage report will be generated after you start karma and will be located in /coverage/Chrome*/index.html
- Install nodejs from Windows users will download and run the installer while Linux users will add the ppa and then use apt-get to install the package.
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
- Download and install the Android SDK.
- Installing Android studio will ensure you have everything you need and provide a good tool for setting up AVD's if you choose to attempt to emulate android (not recommended due to poor performance, use a physical android device if possible)
- Use npm to install the tools globally.
npm install -g bower gulp mocha ionic cordova
- Run the following commands in a shell to setup for the build.
- If running OSX you may run into trouble with the android commands due to environment variables, this should help:
npm install
bower install
ionic platform add android
ionic platform add ios
ionic resources android
ionic resources ios
- Build the app!
ionic build android
ionic build ios
- Emulate
ionic emulate android (ionic run android if using genymotion)
ionic emulate ios