Releases: xReppa/rb_gui
Releases · xReppa/rb_gui
Bat Gui 5.3
V5 No Steam
Latest version, steam has been removed, just the time to add an Api
Bat Gui
Lastest version for RetroBat 5.3
Steam is back
Bat Gui 2.0.1 V5
- Added Framework auto DL
- Added a way to activate auto download for files if needed in the future
Bat Gui V5 Release
Release final for RetroBat V5
Simply extract the zip at the root directory for RetroBat
Bat Gui 2.0 V5-Beta1
New version for Batgui, in fact this is just the updater at the root of RetroBat, it avoid to have too many dlls everywhere, and to reduce update size from 60MB to less than 1MB, perfect for slow connection
This version will display a message during the time i release the real batgui when it will be done
16/11/2021 -
- Correct crash when checking kid games or hidden in gamelist tab without anygame selected
- Correct crash when selecting the picture to display in gamelist where no system were selected
- Added bouton to manually search a roms directory
- Full Name for a system is now in Unicode
16/10/2021 -
- Added new audio driver
- Added visible and clickable test steam link, use to retrieve steam game.
29/09/2021 -
- Added loading message for Steam
- Correct steam name of a game to avoid forbidden char when batgui used the name of the game to create bat file
- Added error message while retrieving the list of game steam for an user
27/09/2021 -
- Lots of functionality depend on the ES system file choosen, the es system file list is now always visible at the top of the screen.
- System group are now displayed and managed in the "System" tab.
- Added steam tab to add steam games in your retrobat. It will generate bat file required to launch game, (adding game to the gamelist automatically will come in a next release).
- Added progress bar for steam games loading, can take long time to load depending how many game you have and your internet speed.
06/09/2021 -
- Hidden and Kid Games in Gamelist Editor are now loaded correctly
03/09/2021 -
- Gamelist saving is back, all gamelist.xml provided by retrobat installer or generated by retrobat, emustation or skrapper can be edited with the gamelist editor.
- Modified gamelist must be save manually with the dedicated button, gamelist are now archived by date and hour, if anything goes wrong just restore the backup file.
- If the xml contain bad data or wrong encoding/alphabet BatGui try to correct it, if after that the xml isn't loaded at all that mean the xml have a problem, you can test it by opening it into Chrome / Brave / Edge or Firefox.
- Added link to the forum for noticing bug (bottom of this window)
27/08/2021 -
- Due to multiple problem file text encoding in gamelist xml file, save functionnality is blocked the time to re do the thing to avoid peopl having broken XML.
- Added to that automatic save for gamelist is removed, a button has been added to manual save modification in your xml file.
- Save will be back for the next update
26/08/2021 -
- Corrected bug that has broken the es_system save, where command is written in small char
- No more core angle
- Reduce height from 830px to 723px + added scroll bar for very low resolution screen
- Fix Hidden game and kid game checkbox are now working
- Default core are now correctly displayed
- Fix Encoding problem with some gamelist xml is theorically
- Fix duplicate extension at save
- Support for multi es_system cfg file
- Support to remove a system in the system list
- Save as function added for custom es_system cfg
Ideal road map :
- Manual add for new system
- ScreenScrapper support
- More functionnality with gamelist xml editor
- WiiU m3u constructor
- Miscellaneous functionnality to clean directory