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fbarreir committed Feb 21, 2017
1 parent c07a055 commit fca174d
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 278 deletions.
280 changes: 2 additions & 278 deletions
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@@ -1,284 +1,8 @@
# Harvester

### Introduction

Harvester is a resource-facing service between the PanDA server and collection of pilots.
It is a lightweight stateless service running on a VObox or an edge node of HPC centers
to provide a uniform view for various resources.


### Installation
Harvester can be installed with or without root privilege.

#### With root privilege

#### Without root privilege
# # setup virtualenv (N.B. if your system supports conda instead of virtualenv see "How to use conda" in the Misc section)
$ virtualenv harvester
$ cd harvester
$ . bin/activate

$ # install additional python packages if missing
$ pip install pip --upgrade
$ pip install python-daemon
$ pip install requests

$ # install panda components
$ pip install git+git://
$ pip install git+git://

$ # copy sample setup and config files
$ mv etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester.rpmnew.template etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester
$ mv etc/panda/panda_common.cfg.rpmnew.template etc/panda/panda_common.cfg
$ mv etc/panda/panda_harvester.cfg.rpmnew.template etc/panda/panda_harvester.cfg


#### Setup and system configuration files
Several parameters need to be adjusted in the setup file (etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester)
and two config files (etc/panda/panda_common.cfg and etc/panda/panda_harvester.cfg).

The following parameters need to be modified in etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester.

Name | Description
--- | ---
PANDA_HOME | Config files must be under $PANDA_HOME/etc
PYTHONPATH | Must contain the pandacommon package and site-packages where the pandaharvester package is available

- Example
export PYTHONPATH=$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandacommon:$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages

The **logdir** needs to be set in etc/panda/panda_common.cfg. It is recommended to use a non-NFS directory to avoid buffering.

Name | Description
--- | ---
logdir | A directory for log files

- Example
logdir = /var/log/panda

The following list shows parameters need to be adjusted in etc/panda/panda_harvester.cfg.

Name | Description
--- | ---
master.uname | User ID of the daemon process
master.gname | Group ID of the daemon process
db.database_filename | Filename of the local database
db.verbose | Set True to dump all SQL queries in the log file
pandacon.ca_cert | CERN CA certificate file
pandacon.cert_file | A grid proxy file to access the panda server
pandacon.key_file | The same as pandacon.cert_file
qconf.configFile | The queue configuration file. See the next section for details
qconf.queueList | The list of PandaQueues for which the harvester instance works
credmanager.moduleName | The module name of the credential manager
credmanager.className | The class name of the credential manager
credmanager.certFile | A grid proxy without VOMS extension. NoVomsCredManager generates VOMS proxy using the file

#### Queue configuration file

Plug-ins for each PandaQueue is configured in the queue configuration file.
The filename is defined in **qconf.configFile** and has to be put in the $PANDA_HOME/etc/panda
directory. This file might be integrated in the information system json in the future, but for
now it has to be manually created. Here is an
of the queue configuration file. The contents is a json dump of

"PandaQueueName1": {
"QueueAttributeName1": ValueQ_1,
"QueueAttributeName2": ValueQ_2,
"QueueAttributeNameN": ValueQ_N,
"Agent1": {
"AgentAttribute1": ValueA_1,
"AgentAttribute2": ValueA_2,
"AgentAttributeM": ValueA_M
"Agent2": {
"AgentX": {
"PandaQueueName2": {
"PandaQueueNameY": {


Here is the list of queue attributes.

Name | Description
--- | ---
prodSourceLabel | Source label of the queue. _managed_ for production
nQueueLimitJob | The max number of jobs pre-fetched and queued
nQueueLimitWorker | The max number of workers queued in the batch system
maxWorkers | The max number of workers. maxWorkers-nQueueLimitWorker is the number of running workers
mapType | Mapping between jobs and workers. OneToOne = (1 job x 1 worker). OneToMany = 1xN. ManyToOne = Nx1
useJobLateBinding | true if the queue uses job-level late-binding

Agent is **preparator**, **submitter**, **workMaker**, **messenger**,
**stager**, **monitor**, and **sweeper**. Two agent parameters `name` and `module`
are mandatory to define the class name module names of the agent.
Roughly speaking,
from agentModle import agentName
agent = agentName()
is internally invoked. Other agent attributes are set to the agent instance as instance variables.


### Tests

First setup environment variables.
$ source etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester
All log files are available in the logdir which is defined in etc/panda/panda_common.cfg.
The filename is panda-*ClassName*.log where *ClassName* is a plug-in or agent class name.

#### Unit tests
* Testing the local database and connection to PanDA
$ python lib/python*/site-packages/pandaharvester/harvestertest/

* Testing submission and monitoring with the batch system
$ python lib/python*/site-packages/pandaharvester/harvestertest/ [PandaQueueName]

* Testing stage-in
python -i lib/python*/site-packages/pandaharvester/harvestertest/ [PandaQueueName]

* Testing stage-out
python -i lib/python*/site-packages/pandaharvester/harvestertest/ [PandaQueueName]

#### Functional tests
Harvester runs multiple threads in parallel so that debugging is rather complicated. However, functions can be
gradually executed by using
$ python lib/python*/site-packages/pandaharvester/harvesterbody/ --pid $PWD/ --single


### Run
Start daemon
$ python lib/python*/site-packages/pandaharvester/harvesterbody/ --pid $PWD/
Stop deamon

$ kill -USR2 `cat $PWD/`


### Misc

#### How to setup virtualenv if unavailable by default
$ module load python
$ module load virtualenv
* For others
$ pip install virtualenv --user
or more details in

#### How to install python-daemon on Edison@NERSC
$ module load python
$ cd harvester
$ . bin/activate
$ pip install --index-url= --trusted-host python-daemon

#### How to install rucio-client on Edison@NERSC (Required only if RucioStager is used)
$ cd harvester
$ . bin/activate
$ pip install --index-url= --trusted-host rucio-clients
$ cat etc/rucio.cfg.atlas.client.template | grep -v ca_cert > etc/rucio.cfg
$ echo "ca_cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/CERN-bundle.pem" >> etc/rucio.cfg
$ echo "auth_type = x509_proxy" >> etc/rucio.cfg
$ # For tests
$ export X509_USER_PROXY=...
$ export RUCIO_ACCOUNT=...
$ rucio ping

#### How to install local panda-harvester package
$ cd panda-harvester
$ python sdist; pip install dist/pandaharvester-*.tar.gz --upgrade

#### How to use conda
If your system supports conda instead of virtualenv, setup conda before using pip.
* For Cori@NERSC
$ module load python
$ conda create --name harvester python
$ mkdir harvester
$ cd harvester
$ source activate harvester


### State diagrams

* Job state diagram
![alt text](images/Harvester_Job_Stat.png "Job state diagram")

* Worker state diagram
![alt text](images/Harvester_Worker_Stat.png "Worker state diagram")

* File state diagram
![alt text](images/Harvester_File_Stat.png "File state diagram")

* Event state diagram
![alt text](images/Harvester_Event_Stat.png)


### Plug-in descriptions
For a detailed description and installation instructions, please check out this project's wiki tab:

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